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11.6 五果 Five Fruits
送交者: 盧岩 2023年07月06日05:35:49 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話


There are five types of fruits produced by the tree of life, which are mutant fruit, equally stream fruit, warrior’s usage fruit, off-be fruit, escalatory fruit.

11.6.1 異熟果 Mutant Fruit

異熟(梵語Vipāka)是無意識的主要特性。變異即是成熟,因為變異可以持業。業是身口意的行為習慣。現在的身口意行為就是過去積累的業的現行,所以業就是身口意的行為。佛教中的四沙門果(如圖11-33 32所示)都是異熟果,參見本書的15.2節。

Mutation (Vipāka in Sanskrit) is major characteristic of the unconscious. Mutations are ripening because it can hold karma. What is karma? Karma is the three karmas: bodily karma, oral karma, and intentional karma. Bodily karma is bodily behaviors’ habitual deposits, what the flesh body is. Oral karma is lingual habitual deposits, what the mouth’s speaking is. Intentional karma is habitual deposits of intents, what the mental thinks are. Buddhist four Shamanic fruits (refer to illustration 11-33 and 32), all are mutant fruits (refer to section 15.2).

11.6.1 Mutant Fruit 異熟果LifeTree11.0.jpg


Mutant fruit means that juristic seeds collected by heart are smoked and grow throughout life, and mature in different species, different places, and different times. What are juristic seeds? As for the “five faculties of 100 laws” explained in this chapter, all are juristic seeds. What is the said different species? As for the 100 laws in the chapter, all sentients, categorized as many divisions as possible, what can be viewed as such a number of different sentient species. What is the said different location? Any actions of present, its mutant fruit may ripen at three boundaries nine heartlands anywhere in illustration 11.0. What is the said different time? Any actions of past, its mutant fruit may ripen in 3 years, in 10 years, or in 30 years, etc.


Mutant fruit is embodiment of unconscious self-variation, which is self-fruit. Once mutant fruits on tree of life ripe, many different types of mutant fruits flow out like a waterfall, which will continue lifetime long, can maintain the life and karma of sentient beings, so sentient beings have life-root and karma, and become sentient beings.


In the analysis of causality, mutant fruit is a category of its own, and the cause of mutant fruit is mutation.

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