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送交者: GoLion 2008月08月16日19:00:48 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 陈丹蕾:再谈郎咸平--兼答GoLion陈丹蕾 于 2008-08-10 10:10:42
What we need is not to look backward to finger blame. If we come back to the \"做三十六,不做也是三十六\" era, the whole country is going fall apart. Incentives to motivate people to take innovative approach are necessary. The side-effect is the disparity in wealth. If this excuse becomes the sole reason to stop reform and even charges aganist who got reward by making contribution, it is way too extreme. Unfortunately, this is what Lang implied.

If Lang really has something left in the tank, take a position in Hong Kong legistralation; or the 中央政策组, (like what I am doing), to make real contributions to make Hong Kong as an example for all other cities in China, rather than just making noises online to draw illusionary pride.

By the way, do you know how much money does Lang take in for each of his talk?

We call you such person 旗手, 大将出场时,摇摇旗,呐呐喊. Did you feel that you share the illusionary pride as well? You are so hopelss to warship such an icon. Did you get pay for this?
  本人再忠告你一句话: - 陈丹蕾 08/16/08 (247)
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