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Just kidding
送交者: 5yuan 2008月08月24日12:41:15 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: I mean Life Science. .....廣東南蠻 於 2008-08-24 12:28:30
I agree with you only partially. The investment in the 80th in life science is not really wasted. It has achieved a huge leap in life science itself and, as a byproduct, in biotech industry. More than 90% of new drugs are life science products these days, if you do know the fact.

By the way, in a restricted definition, agriculture is excluded from life science. If you look the funding list of National Institutes of Health, it is clear.

In addition, if a young man has talent, it will never get wasted. Money is the one which get wasted.
  BIO means plants and animals. - 廣東南蠻 08/24/08 (324)
    又錯了,豌豆可不等於玉米 - 5yuan 08/24/08 (274)
      K, 你扎知道碗豆不是從玉米進化來的  /無內容 - mahu 08/24/08 (277)
        看來連中學生物都馬虎了,呵呵 - 5yuan 08/24/08 (218)
          你這中文不靈, 洋文如何? - mahu 08/24/08 (217)
            孩子,開學了,該走了。  /無內容 - 5yuan 08/25/08 (177)
        哈哈哈! It seems u agreed - 廣東南蠻 08/24/08 (214)
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