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IRS Reward: Target(饶毅)
送交者: Ynima 2008月09月08日09:08:12 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 转自饶毅博客: 不得不说的话ipku 于 2008-09-07 12:20:06
IRS Reward: Any US citizen or Green Card Holder( 饶毅) must pay income tax anually including overseas income( from China)

1. 饶毅 has at least four jobs ( positions) currently in China and made more than $200,000 per year ( including more than 10 % pocked money from his research grants of Chinese sources ).

2. Any report of suspect(饶毅) can be rewarded by 15% of the amount recovered by IRS. If 饶毅 failed to pay his income tax in China during the last 12 years, 饶毅 should pay IRS ( without fine ) about $1.2 million USD.

3. If you get the evidence and report 饶毅 to IRS, you may be awarded $210,00 USD by IRS.

4. You will be protected by both IRS and Department of Justice. 饶毅 possibly with his wife together may be charged under the Criminal code of USA. This money oriented Communist ass kisser (饶毅) will be put behind the bar. So work on it.
Put all criminals with a marsk of Scientist to the place where they belong to.
  方舟子这条疯狗要咬饶毅了 /无内容 - ipku 09/08/08 (257)
    IRS 要look at 饶毅, ipku 这2条疯狗了!  /无内容 - Ynima 09/09/08 (244)
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