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jew controls bibles, not that
送交者: kenn2003 2008月10月12日02:58:51 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: a88 is right on thisusedpen 於 2008-10-06 08:31:38
jew controls bibles, but not that much in science;

the bibbles talks all good things about jews, all bad things about who against jews.

but jews don't have a similar strong control on science.

you are afraid of jews too much.

they are just so so...

the thing that einstain still on a position close to god is due to:
1. yes, some people are too adorful to big names; and these people are exactly who either don't have knowledge in the subject, or lack sort of scientific spirit (including the scientific creativity)
2. eiestein's special relativity is rather useful, not wrong at all

the theory provides a means to handle the retardation during coordinates tranform or moving coordinates

without it, you are going to be in a big mess.

however, it's a mathematical artifact, it's a method.

it's not THE NATURE

other theory could work it out, though this better probably will be proposed by myself around year 2010.

right now i am busy with scientific computing and don't have time to rally.
  soory, i made a mistake - kenn2003 10/12/08 (187)
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