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you are totally wrongk!!!
送交者: kenn2003 2008月12月14日22:58:00 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 言真轻: 汉字的本质缺陷言真轻 于 2008-12-12 12:04:45
english is 10 times more difficult than chinese to learn!!!

english is easy to begin with, but difficult to master;

by master, i am not talking about a good novel writer level of things.

chinese is difficult to begins with, but easier to master.

AND, most people who learn a language hope to master it.

so, english is very difficult!!!


a 12-year old chinese master the language, a 18-old college student or 25 year old ph.d. won't be much better a 12-year old in the language (though the olders have more ideas and stuff to say)

from 12-18 years, a chinese spends a big part learning ancient chinese; if not, chinese learning would be just a piece of cake

a chinese spends 20+ years in english learning, and WILL end up with broken english.

a 12-year old american uses much inferior english than a 18-old, who is much inferiro than a 25 years old. so, english is damn difficult and complicated!!!

americans never learn ancient english, and never spent a peice of time on Chinese

but, an american can master Chinese within 3 years, and speak chinese as least as good as the stupid lz

in my lifetime, i have encounter a huge number of people who speak excellent chinese and they merely trained in china for one year.

definition of chinese: the easist language in the world
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