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This is related to Unification
送交者: c_y_lo 2014月04月28日07:40:40 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 谢C.Y.LO君临屏指导!能否请您,在此对它做进一步深入介绍GEORGES3000 于 2014-04-28 01:12:54
This is related to unification of gravitation and electromagnetism. In the unification, there is a new charge-mass interaction. This interaction for the static case is verified by weighing the charged capacitor. Experimentalist found the reduction of weight after a capacitor is charged. However, they cannot explain this phenomena until my theory of unification is proposed. Thus, a charged capacitor would fall slower because the charge-mass force is repulsive. 

For further information, you can google "c_y_lo" to read some of my articles because I have some articles posed in the INTERNET.
  谢c_y_lo君,读完后再向您请教! /无内容 - GEORGES3000 04/29/14 (518)
    欢迎討論! - c_y_lo 04/29/14 (385)
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