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two points
送交者: xpt 2009月01月17日20:20:54 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 中科院蔣高明狠批人才引進:大呼外來物種入侵牛滿宇 於 2009-01-17 20:00:43
1. This time the Chinese really felt the threat

it says that the policy is going to work - how much money these mainland Chinese researchers wasted in the past 20 years? Tons. How far have they gone? not much.

It is time to give others a chance.

2. too many cheaters and liars and swindlers were recruited in the past. Hope this time the real good ones are going. there will be cheaters, liars, swindlers too, but when a large number of good people are there, their survival rate will be low.
  回去的人中,但願不要同化掉一批,排擠掉另外一批。 /無內容 - 時空時邁 01/17/09 (136)
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