范例提前预测了上帝粒子的出现 |
送交者: hare 2016月04月15日13:35:15 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 范例哲学: 运动产生物质是什么意思? 由 repentant 于 2016-04-15 11:10:51 |
"On 15 December 2015, two teams of physicists, working independently at CERN, reported preliminary hints of a possible new subatomic particle (more specifically, the ATLAS and CMS experiments, using 13 TeV proton collision data, showed a moderate excess around 750 GeV, in the two-photon spectrum): if real, the particle could be either a heavier version of a Higgs boson or a graviton.[19][20][21]"
换句话说,范例哲学提前最少两年就预料了“新物质的形成”。 |
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