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You are a moron, period.
送交者: keystone 2008月07月12日09:18:27 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: aa88:學英語狂是殖民地特徵aa88 於 2008-07-11 20:18:27
You are a moron, period.

Peoples have their own reason to learn English. They also use English in different ways. Why you are barking on them? If they use in wrong way, it will cost them and is not your business! You sounds like that you have been in English country for a couple of months or years, and feel that you are in much higher position morally than all Chinese already. I know some guys like that and, without exception, all of them are loser in this country! Why? Because they are depressed in this society and now they want to have the “face” (Chinese English, hehe) back. As a result, they start to attack all Chinese. Well, you will need to know that what you are saying is useless and bullshit because China is still ruling by communist and a lot of problems are due to this system rather than people. While you are attacking the people, it means that you know nothing about this country and are pretty stupid!

By the way, English is not my mother tongue and I don’t check my writing in this forum. Who want to? If you think that you have better English so you know automatically more than me, you are pretty stupid! Why, because that is exactly what you just said and are against it! I have found that your statement are always contradictory each other but you try to behave like a big shit.

Now I have to say to: You are a moron!
  不要拿制度作藉口!moron! - aa88 07/12/08 (164)
    What a moron! - keystone 07/12/08 (168)
    很有道理,制度需要人去改變。不過, - 陳丹蕾 07/12/08 (158)
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