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Don't kill the messenger
送交者: laotzi 2008月07月12日23:49:50 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: aa88:學英語狂是殖民地特徵aa88 於 2008-07-11 20:18:27
I think what aa88 said makes a lot of sense.
The debate should be about what he says and not about him personally. People in this forum should stop calling him names and focus on what the issues that he brought up.
I have been to China several times with some white colleagues and they often amaze how people treat them like "God". I am sure the craze to learn English at the expense of everything else has a lot to do with it.
The way for China to get ahead is to innovate. You can innovate without knowing any English.
Albert Einstein did all his research and published all his work in German. Think about it.
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