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Totally Agreed
送交者: laotzi 2008月07月13日07:37:47 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 关于aa88的文风陈丹蕾 于 2008-07-13 00:17:57
I feel the same way.
Engaging in personally attack or stifling dissent is reminiscent of dictatorship.
Nobody wants to live under a dictatorship which is why you are in N America.
A democratic society protects the views of minority. You may not like what you hear but aa88 has the right to express his opinion.
I also think that he loves China and it pains him to see China "deteriorate". Hence he is making making what seemed like "sensational" accusations to many. But if you get past your own emotional reaction and think about what he says, you might find that he is pointing out things that many Chinese do not want to face.
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