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Outline of Hitler's book
送交者: 杠杆 2009月03月02日09:04:44 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
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The following shows the English translation of Hitler's outline with roughly the same structure as above. [This translation appears on page 283 of Maser's book.]
1. Introduction
1. The Bible [3 illegible lines {ed.}]
2. The Aryan
3. His Works
4. The Jew
5. His Work

1. The Bible -- Monumental History of Mankind--
2. Viewpoints--

Idealism-- Materialism
Nothing without cause-- History is made by men-- 2 human types--
Workers and drones-- Builders and destroyers-----Children of God and Men
confused and muddled-- (Lord Disraeli) Basic Race Law--

1st consequence. Purification of the Bible-- what of its spirit remains?
2nd consequence. Critical examination of the remainder-

. . . . . . . . . greater clarification
First people's history (based on) the race law--
Eternal course of History--
Nature's course from half-knowledge via instinct to clear
understanding of its laws

[three lines crossed out]

I Unconscious [crossed out] Consequences

Blind following of nature ------
Conscious [crossed out] obedience to its laws

Half knowledge equivalent to human arrogance--
Stupidity but also weakness or cruelty

'Man is Lord of Nature'

'He subdues Nature'
He is free

Weakness of the half-baked
Nature is quite unbending, which means: Victory of the
stronger whose strength or will gives him a greater claim to victory

Privilege through strength the basis of all Nature
The prerequisite of the world's existence.

the man of genius in tune with nature does not try to test this law
which also informs his own ideas about the world
but performs all his actions in accordance with it.

The 'educated man', i.e., the man who as been spoon-fed with
knowledge substitutes the idea of humanity and hence
becomes 'cruel' in the end.

Nature is never cruel
Cruelty is-- delight in
pointless suffering
Useless during the struggle--

Racial purity the highest law.

Miscegenation with inferior types means lowering the level of the whole [last word illegible]
Interestingly, Hitler's introduction immediately starts with the Bible and then follows with The Aryan, His Works (presumably the Aryan works), The Jew, and His Work (presumably the Jew's work).
  Just because he quoted from - 全伊 03/02/09 (279)
    (Lord Disraeli) Basic Race Law  /无内容 - 杠杆 03/02/09 (229)
      Basic Race Law. so what ? - 全伊 03/02/09 (221)
        religious  /无内容 - 全伊 03/02/09 (175)
    given me a break = give me a .  /无内容 - 全伊 03/02/09 (202)
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