Quote from Stephen Jay Gould |
送交者: 全伊 2009月03月02日08:34:03 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 你这个也了无新意 由 杠杆 于 2009-03-02 07:49:39 |
"(Haeckel's)evolutionary racism, his call to the German people for racial purity and unflinching devotion to "just" state; his belief that harsh, inexorable laws of evolution
ruled human civilization and nature alike, conferring upon favored races the right to dominate others..." Ontogeny and Phylogeny (1977) 注: Haeckel是纳粹人种学的师爷。以上摘自哈佛著名进化论学者 史蒂芬古德教授(已故)。显然在这方面,他比绝大多数的进化论者这要诚实,能够做到就事论事。因为他深信这本身并不表明进化论是错的。 |
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