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sounds like good news
送交者: kenn2003 2009月03月03日09:30:37 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Quantum theory is not final!c_y_lo 于 2009-03-01 18:26:42
quantum field theory built on some questionable ground & incomplete;

sounds like a very good piece of news;

i like incompleteness, coz it means prosperity;

within next few couple of years i am gonna use some advanced (really really advanced -staggeringly fast--to be invented by myself-- seemingly it will come true) numerical method to solve a couple of problems in quantum mechanics & preferably with complex geometry involved, through which to familiarize myself the theory;

i see, before your this clarification i was a damn hard supporter of bohr's quantum stuff
  now i see some merits - kenn2003 03/03/09 (244)
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