“What do you want to know? As I know, there are three periods of English such as "Early English", "Middle English" and "Current English".
Early English It's not too many regular grammar and always has the exceptional situation. But the sentence structure is S+V+O as well. Early English is most diffcult to comprehense as well as read.
Middle English The iregularly grammar is less than Early English. However, it's so hard to read and write. The features of Middle English are some Althebet being strenght symbols. For example, One word can explain 2 opposite meaning. That's girl refers to LITTLE MALE and LITTLE LADY. In the period of Middle English, the syntax is similar to Current English. Just few rules and spellings are different. All in all, Early English mosly unknown including grammar, read and comprehension. We are now studying Old English is Middle English or between Early English and Middle English.”
“古代英语 概述 简单的说,英语语源其实是德语,因为最早的英国人是日尔曼民族的一支但是后来这个民族曾经被很多个民族征服过,所以它包含了很多外来词汇,其实很多又难又拗口的词多数来自拉丁语和法语,所以一定程度造成了英语的发音规则的混乱。 古代英语的发音很简单的,发音规则当然也很简单,渐渐的英语才变得很复杂,并且发音规则也很让人很弄不清楚。 ”