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“他将疥疮病人分为两组,对第一组病人用药膏涂遍全身,但在疥螨侵染之处则不涂药膏;对第二组病人则只在疥螨侵染之处用药膏涂抹,其余部位不予处理。结果只 有第二组的病人被彻底治愈。”


事实是,在1844年之前的半个多世纪,已经有多人多次通过自体试验来证明疥螨的病原性:1791年,德国医生魏克曼(Johann Ernst Wichmann, 1740-1802)在一本书中描述了自己的两个朋友用疥螨来做自身试验【59】1801年,英国医生亚当斯在自己身上做试验(已在上文介绍【1】);1812年,法国一位医学院学生盖勒(Jean-Chrysanthe Gales, 1783-1854)宣称曾用自己分离到的疥螨做自我试验【60】 1834年,法国医生M. Albin Gras在自己身上多次做试验【61】。除了上述的自身试验之外,据里努奇自称,他早在1815年就曾用疥螨给一个小孩接种【60】


































事实是,方舟子所说的“教皇的御医兰西西”并不是一个不学无术、冥顽不化的天主教徒,而是一个极有成就的科学家和医生。预兆心脏病的“兰奇西氏病征”(Lancisi sign, 亦见【64】)和大脑中的“兰奇西氏神经”(longitudinal striae of Lancisi, striae lancisi, nerves of Lancisi, 亦见【65】),就是以他的名字命名的。兰奇西(Giovanni Maria Lancisi, 1654-1720)还是最早注意到蚊子和疟疾之间相关关系之人。方舟子这个“生物医学出身”竟然将这么有名的“生物医学”前辈译成“兰西西”,这就像是一个号称“美国历史出身”的人,把Washington译成“渥星顿”一样,凸显其无知。


其实,“争端”也好,“争议”也罢,它们都是博诺莫──极可能是在塞斯托尼的指使下── “引起”的:博诺莫在168784日给“兰西西”写信,要求罗马医学会(Congresso Medico Romano)讨论他们的发现,四天后又写信催问。而该学会及“兰西西”本人对这个发现的保留意见又引起博诺莫和塞斯托尼的极度不满。通观那场“争端”,“兰西西”的回应都非常礼貌、节制、专业,并没有以势压人、以教会压人的迹象【66】




“兰西西”的这些理由至今能够站得住脚。别的不说,第一条理由就非常正当。因为根据十九世纪确立的柯赫法则(Koch's postulates),确定一个微生物的病原性,必须完成四个步骤:


1 在每一病例中都发现了相同的微生物,并且,在健康者体内不存在这种微生物;




















实际上,博诺莫和塞斯托尼的发现之所以没有得到医学界的接受,不仅在于他们的证据证明不了他们所下的结论,更在于其他人根本重复不出来他们的试验结果:在水疱中根本就找不到疥螨。英国医生亚当斯就说,自己按照博诺莫的描述去寻找疥螨,但却找不到。后来,在一个老妇的帮助下,他才在水疱之外找到了疥螨【47】1812年,法国人盖勒宣称自己从疥疮水疱中找到了疥螨,并且用疥螨做了自身接种试验。但他后来被人怀疑造假,唯一原因就是其他人按照他描述的方法从疥疮患者的水疱中找不到疥螨。二十二年后,另一位法国医学院学生里努奇根据家乡农妇专门从不起眼的疥螨巢穴针挑疥螨的经验,以及自己和他人的接种试验,才最后将疥螨的病原性确定。但是,盖勒造假案仍旧悬而未决【60】。也就是因为如此,再加上博诺莫托人绘制的疥螨图含有错误,在疥螨的病原性已经得到确认的二十世纪,还有人说,博诺莫或塞斯托尼像是个江湖骗子(This Cestoni (or Bonomo) appears to have been a bit of a quack……)【69】。而彼森则说:












实际上,在《圣经》中,对猪肉的禁食存在于诸多篇章中,如《申命记》和《以赛亚书》,并不限于《利未》一篇。可笑方舟子看到巴西女医生说 “兰西西……在争论之中引用了《圣经》”,但又不知道“兰西西”引用的是哪篇哪章哪节《圣经》,于是故作博学地加上了“《旧约·利未记》曾提到疥疮”这么几个字,结果弄巧成拙,自曝其陋。










希伯提到的鲁卡斯·道修斯是教皇Innocent IX的御医,他对博诺莫的发现具体做了些什么,我们不得而知。但我们知道,兰宗尼在16911692年将博诺莫的信译成了拉丁文【73】


前面提到,米德在1703年将博诺莫的那封信节译成了英文。虽然那篇译文存在某种不足,但不容否认的事实却是,它对传播博诺莫的发现功劳最大。这是因为,米德本人就是一位著名医生,他在1703年被选为皇家学会会员,1727年成为乔治二世的御医。不仅如此,米德本人也相信博诺莫的观点是正确的。在1751年出版的一本书中,米德将博诺莫和塞斯托尼的发现又完整地介绍了一遍【74】1752年,有“军医之父”之称的英国军医约翰·普灵格尔(Sir John Pringle, 1707-1782)的名著《军旅疾病观察》出版。在当时,普灵格尔对疥疮的病原一无所知。但到了该书第二年再版时,他特意加了一个注释,说自己在初版之后发现了米德翻译的博诺莫致雷迪函。并且,他完全接受了博诺莫的观点【75】


最有趣的是,有一位名叫韩特 John Hunter, 1728-1793)的英国著名医生,虽然他本人并不相信疥疮是疥螨导致的,因为他没有在疥疮患者的水疱中发现疥螨,但他却说,有人告诉他另一位叫Teigh的医生曾经在疥疮患者的水疱附近找到了疥螨【76】。尽管韩特没有提到米德或博诺莫,但这个故事足以证明“疥螨导致疥疮”这一理论绝非“没人提及,被人遗忘”。




不仅英国医学界在十八世纪就已经对“疥螨是疥疮的病原”这一理论有所了解,连普罗大众都是如此。1755年出版的《英语词典》(A Dictionary of the English Language 就是这么定义“itch”(瘙痒)的:








在英国之外,博诺莫的发现也被一些著名的学者所接受。例如,大名鼎鼎的林奈(Carl von Linné, 1707-1778)在1734年就将疥螨划入为昆虫纲无翅目。1746年,他又将之命名为“人类皮下螨”(acaru humanus-subcutaneus),并且明确地认定它是疥疮的病原【80】


在整个十八世纪,疥疮病原学的原创性、突破性的研究发生在德国。1786年,德国著名医生魏克曼(Johann Ernst Wichmann, 1740-1802)的专著《疥疮病原学》(Aetiologie der Krätze)在汉诺威出版。在书中,魏克曼不仅参考、比较了博诺莫致雷迪函,他还将之译成了德文。这是魏克曼对自己工作的总结:








不过,博诺莫和塞斯托尼的发现真正开花结果是在十九世纪的法国。前面提到,法国著名寄生虫学家雷伊在1827年的书中曾翻译了博诺莫致雷迪函。但实际上,在他之前,博诺莫的发现就已经为法国医生们所熟知。比如,法国著名皮肤病医生、后来曾任路易十八御医的埃利柏(Jean-Louis-Marc Alibert, 1768-1837)就知晓博诺莫的发现。也正是受这个发现的影响,埃利柏才指导盖勒进行了这方面的研究,实际上是在重复博诺莫的试验。盖勒的研究直接导致里努奇在1834年的试验【59, 83】












在揭发、论证方舟子抄袭剽窃的同时,本文更重要的目的是还原疥疮病原研究历史的真相。这个真相就是:早在现代科学出现之前,早在西方科学家、医学家介入之前,东方人,包括中国人和阿拉伯人,以及基督教教会人士,就已经知道疥疮患者的身上长有疥螨。疥螨病原性的最后确认,是在欧洲各国的科学家和医生经过几百年的探索之后才取得的。恰如法国科学史学者Daniele Ghesquier所说,这项成就是“集体的建构”(Collective Construction【60】,而不是某个人的独家专利。具体地说就是,博诺莫和塞斯托尼在大量、广泛地吸收和继承了前人的经验和知识的基础之上,根据自己的研究结果,──观察到疥螨──,大胆地提出了“疥螨是疥疮的唯一病原”这样的假说,并且根据这个假说提出了外部施药、通过杀螨来治疥的治疗方案。这个假说的最终证明,至少需要德国科学家魏克曼、英国科学家亚当斯、法国科学家里努奇、奥地利科学家希伯等人前前后后几十年、甚至上百年的努力。没有这些努力,博诺莫和塞斯托尼的最大贡献就是根据自己的观察提出了一个待证并且早已存在的假说──仅此而已。那种冒充博学、冒充“主流科学界全权总代理”、动不动就要指定谁谁是“第一人”、哪年哪月是“中国历史上一个重要的转折点”之人,譬如方舟子,恰恰就是最无知、最不知道科学研究为何物的学术骗子。



















【3】 亦明:《给福建省教育厅负责人的一封公开信》,中国学术评价网2012216日。


【4】 汪亚民:《世界上有两种科学,一种是科学,一种是方氏科学》,汪亚民的博客2012221日。






【7】Ramos-e-Silva, M. 1998. GIOVAN COSIMO BONOMO (1663-1696): Discoverer of the etiology of scabies. International Journal of Dermatology 37:625-630.


【8】亦明:《方舟子在2009年抄袭澳大利亚生物学家John S. Wilkins》,中国学术评价网201143日。










RA. 1987. The history of scabies in veterinary and human medicine from
biblical to modern times. Veterinary Parasitology 25:193-198.


insects which are not carnivorous, but live upon the juices of living
flesh, as lice, fleas, and bugs, produce nits from sexual intercourse ;
from these nits nothing else is formed. Of these insects the fleas
originate in very small portions of corrupted matter, for they are
always collected togetherwhere there is any dry dung. Bugs proceed from
the moisture which collects on the bodies of animals : lice from the
flesh of other creatures; for before they appear, they exist in little
pimples which do not contain matter : and if these are pricked, the lice
escape from them.” Aristotle. History of animals. Translated by Richard Cresswell. George Bell & Sons, London. 1887. p.134.


【15】Hebra F. On the diseases of the skin, including the exanthemata. New Sydenham Society, London. 1868. pp.167-168.


【16】Busvine, JR. Insects, Hygiene and History. Athlone Press, London. 1976. p.208.(英文:“This animacule can be removed with the point of a needle. If placed on the nail and exposed to the heat of the sun or fire, it moves. If the animacule is crushed between the fingernails, one hears it crack. This type of scabies is most easily cured ... by administering laxatives and the killing of the animals.”


is formed in their bodies, on the exterior, something which the people
call Soab, and which exists within the skin. If the skin is removed,
there comes out of various parts of it a very small animal, which can
scarcely be seen.”




R. 1956. Parasitological Reviews: The knowledge of parasites and
parasitic infections from ancient times to the 17th century. Exp.
Parasitology 5:398-419.




【21】Beeson, BB. 1927. Acarus scabiei. Study of its history. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology 16: 294–307. (英文译文:“The
mites are little animals, always hidden under the skin, there they
crawl and gnaw the skin, little by little, exciting a disagreeable
itching. They can be extracted with pins or needles.”


【22】Vocabolario dell'Accademia della Crusca. 2nd Ed. Florence. 1623.(意大利文原文:“Pellicello è un piccolissimo Bacolino, il quale si generá á’ Rognosi in pelle e rodendo cagiona un' acutissimo pizzicore.”


【23】Tanga, M. 2007. Giacinto Cestoni, i rapporti con Redi e le scienze della vita nel XVII secolo.
Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Facoltà di Lettere e
Filosoia, Dottorato di ricerca in Storia della Scienza. p.93.


【24】【15】172页。(英文原文:“The physicians of that age, however, were: far behind the naturalists in scientific investigation.”


【25】Mouffet, T. Insectorum sive Minimorum Animalium Theatrum. Thomas Cotes for Benjamin Allen, London. 1634. p.266. (拉丁文原文:“Mirum
est  quomodo tam pusila bestiola, nullis quasi pedibus incedens, tam
longos sibi cuticulá sulcos peragat. Hoc obiter est observandum, syrones
istos non in ipsis pustulis, sed prope habitare.”)(英文译文见:Packard, FR. Annals of Medical History. P.B.
Hoeber, New York.1937. p.220.  “It is strange how such a little animal
with almost no feet can drive such a long burrow under the skin.
Moreover, it is to be noted that these mites do not lie in the pustules
themselves, but near them.”


【26】【15】173-174页。(英文原文:“The following sentence goes to show that he had himself looked for the acarus scabiei, and had been successful in finding it.”








【30】CDC-DPDx. Scabies.(英文原文:“Females are 0.30 to 0.45 mm long and 0.25 to 0.35 mm wide, and males are slightly more than half that size.”


【31】Wikipedia. Naked eye. [英文原文:“At
a viewing distance of 16" = ~ 400 mm, which is considered a normal
reading distance in the USA, the smallest object resolution will be ~
0.116 mm. For inspection purposes laboratories use a viewing distance of
200–250 mm, which gives the smallest size of the object recognizable to
the naked eye of ~0.058- 0.072 mm(~55-75 micrometer).”]


【32】Legge, GE. and Bigelow, CA. 2011. Does print size matter for reading? A review of findings from vision science and typography. Journal of Vision 11(5):8, 1–22.


【33】WebMD. Scabies Slideshow: Symptoms, Cause, and Treatments; Scabies Pictures Slideshow: Stop the Itch Mite; Michigan Department of Community Health. Scabies Prevention and Control Manual.


【34】Montesu, MA., and Cottoni F. 1991. G.C. Bonomo and D. Cestoni. Discoverers of the parasitic origin of scabies. American Journal of Dermatopathology 13:425-7.


【35】【7】 (英文原文:“Giovan
Cosimo Bonomo, in collaboration with Diacinto Cestoni, discovered the
etiologic agent, stated that it reproduced through the union of a male
and a female, affirmed it laid eggs (Bonomo actually saw the mite laying
an egg), suggested its transmission by clothes and fomites, and
speculated about the reasons some local treatments were effective and
some systemic were not. That was in 1687,2 three hundred and
10 years ago; and their study, even though not immediately recognized,
marked the first notice of the parasitic theory of infectious diseases;
demonstrating for the first time that a microscopic organism could be
the cause of a disease. It may even be said without doubt that Bonomo's
and Cestoni's discovery initiated a new era in Medicine.6


【36】见:Anonymous. 1932. Contributo alla storia della scabbia. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology 26:592. (英文原文:“……as
the proofs that would better permit us to ascertain the truth are
wanting, the discovery of the parasite nature of the itch must be
attributed to Bonmo and Cestoni together.”


【37】Heukelbach J. and Feldmeier H. 2006. Scabies. Lancet 367:1767-1774. (英文原文:“In
1687, the Italian physician Giovan Cosimo Bonomo and the apothecary
Diacinto Cestoni described the causal relation between the scabies mite
and the typical skin lesions seen after infestation. They showed for the
first time that a disease can be caused by a microorganism.”


【38】Currier RW. et al. 2011. Scabies in animals and humans: history, evolutionary perspectives, and modern clinical management. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1230:E50-60. (英文原文:“In the 17th
century, Hauptman produced imperfect drawings of the mite, followed by
Giovanni Cosimo Bonomo, an Italian naval physician, who with Diacinto
Cestoni, a pharmacist, studied the condition in sailors and provided a
more accurate drawing of the acarus mite in 1687, thus discovering and
establishing the parasitic nature of scabies as well as its treatment.”


states that probably the naturalistic study of the acarus is due to
Cestoni, a very clever researcher, while Bonomo, a very keen naval
physician, is responsible for the observations regarding to the external
cure of scabies.”


figura che emersa è quella di un uomo di grande intuizione, di tenacia
incrollabile, di pazienza inesauribile, di semplicità e linearità di
ragionamento, di amorevole dedizione alla conoscenza e ai benefici che
può portare agli uomini.”


【41】见:GIACINTO CESTONI。(意大利文原文:“Egli è un speziale; ma ne sa di più di 40  medici.”


【42】【23】 84页。


avuto caro quanto mai dir si possa che V.S. abbia osservata la figura
de’ pellicelli. V.S. è stato il primo ad osservarla. Prego V.S. a
mandarmene la figura di uno disegnata.”




R. 1703. An Abstract of Part of a Letter from Dr. Bonomo to Sigmor
Redi,  containing some Observations concerning the Worms of Humane
bodies. Philosophical Trans. 23:1296-1299.


【46】Anonymous.1788. An
Account of the Infection found in the itch. From a Work lately
published, in German, on the Etiology of that Discase, by J. E.
Wichmann, M. D. Phyfician to His Majesty at Hanover, and Member of the
Royal Society of Sciences at Goetiingen.The London Medical Journal
9:28-43. (英文原文:“Dr. Mead, by
omitting the beginning of Bonomo's letter to Redi, has not fully stated
the circumftanccs that led to the discovery of the insect in question,
and has given to Bonomo the credit of observations for which we find
Bonomo acknowledging himself indebted to one of his friends, whom he


【47】Adams, J. Observations on Morbid Poisons, Acute and Chronic. J. Callow, London, 1807. pp.293-310.


【48】【16】211页。(英文原文:……he changes from the plural to the first person singular.”


soon, therefore, found the patient required; who, when asked where he
felt the most severe and intense itching, showed me a number of small
vesicles, ……. We did not content ourselves with this one observation,
and afterwards examined many cases of scabies, in patients of various
ages and constitutions, of different sexes, and at all seasons of the
year.. We always found the same little animals, which existed in almost
all the vesicles.”


【50】Lane JE. 1928. Bonomo's letter to Redi - an important document in the history of scabies. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology 18:1-25.


【51】Rayer, P. Treatise on Diseases of the Skin: Founded on New Researches in Pathological Anatomy and Physiology. Translated by W. B. Dickinson. John Churchill, London. 1833. p.381.


Cestoni •••• assured me (says Bonomo) that he had again and again seen a
‘something’ (un non so che) extracted by old women with the point of a
needle from the skin of their little children when affected with
scabies. This ‘something’ was found in the smallest vesicles, before
they were quite ripe. It was then placed on the nail of the left thumb,
and cracked with that of the right thumb, so as to produce a slight
sound. He had also seen the prisoners and slaves in the galleys of
Leghom do the same thing for each other.

“He went on to say that
he did not know for certain that the mite thus removed was a living
animal, but that all doubt might soon be set at rest by anyone who would
(as I had suggested to him) make a series of experiments on a patient
affected with scabies, so as to determine finally whether it was, or was
not, the case.”


frequently observed that the poor women when their children are
troubled with the itch, do with the point of a pin pull out of the
scabby skin little bladders of water, and crack them like fleas upon
their nails; and that the scabby slaves in the Bagno at Leghorn do often
practice this mutual kindness upon one another;  it came into my mind
to examine what these bladders might, really be.”


【54】见:沈静文、郑丹炜:《对话方舟子:不认为老婆之假值得打》,中国广播网2014-02-09 17:19 


because of the difficulty of isolating the acarus, Bonomo's discovery
was completely forgotten in the years that followed. But in 1834, a
young student named Francois Simon Renucci, who had learned how to
extract the acarus from the poor women of his native Corsica, proved its
existence in Paris and reestablished the fact that the acarus was the
cause of scabies (3,7).

 “A period of intensive clinical and experimental research on scabies by numerous investigators

throughout Europe followed on Renucci's rediscovery of the Acarus scabiei.
No one, however, did more to settle, once and for all, the various
problems of scabies than Ferdinand Hebra (1816-80), who published his
views on the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of this disease in 1844

 “In 1925, Alberto Rezzauti came across Bonomo's signed
letter which had been preserved in the Fraternita de Laici of Arezzo.
Its publication that year proved that in fact the discovery of the
acarian origin of scabies preceded its official scientific recognition
by 150 years.”


was only in 1834, almost two centuries later, that Renucci, a young
student, reestablished the fact that the acarus was the cause of
scabies.15 After this, a period of intense investigations on
scabies began, and Ferdinand Hebra (1816-80), by particular
self-experiments, was the one that did the most to settle once and for
all the problem of scabies. He published his views on diagnosis,
etiology, and treatment of this disease in 1844 and made an eulogy of
Bonomo's and Cestoni's work.16

“It was Cumston, in 1924, who credited Bonomo for the discovery and first description of Sarcoptes scabiei,5
and, finally in 1927, Razzauti came across Bonomo's signed letter which
had been preserved in the Library of Fraternità di S. Maria of Arezzo.14
Its publication that year proved that, in fact, the discovery of the
acarian origin of scabies preceded Renucci's paper and its official
scientific recognition by 150 years.3


also stated that Giovanni Cinelli Calvoli, in 1689, claimed to have
seen the acarus ten years before Cestoni. Calvoli declared that a
certain Protasio Felice Salvetti, whom he had employed to make drawings,
had revealed his researches to Bonomo and Cestoni. Despite his claims
to priority in the discovery of the itch mite, Calvoli, it is said, did
not regard it as the cause of scabies. It is also claimed that, before
Bonomo and Cestoni, Scaliger, in 1557, Joubertus, in 1577, Fallopius, in
1584, Rondelet, in 1592, Vidius, in 1586, and Schenck, in 1600, knew
and wrote about acarus. Some of these authors however confused it with
lice, which was not an uncommon error at that time or even later.5
Favarielle, in a thesis on scabies, written in Paris in 1805, still
affirmed it was produced by a syphilitic or a scorbutic infection of the
humors and by a degeneration of the transpiration.5


contributed an accurate article on the itch and its parasite in 1844.
He described the gallery in detail, and concluded that if there was no
Acarus, there was no itch. He maintained that the disorder was
transmitted by the scratching of the patient, thus opening up the
burrows and transferring the mites on the finger-nails, either to
another person or to a different portion of his own body. Later (1868),
the same author stated that the mite found on human beings as well as
those found on animals all belonged to the same genus and species and
are probably examples of the same animal.”


【59】【16】 214页。


【60】Ghesquier, D. 1999. A Gallic affair: the case of the missing itch-mite in French medicine in the early nineteenth century. Medical History 43:26-54.


【61】Wilson, E. On Diseases of the Skin.
John Churchill, London. 1847. pp.293-294; Piogey, MG. 1850. ON THE
LOWER ANIMALS TO MAN, AND VICE VERSA. London Medical Examiner Monthly
Review 1:199-202; Anonymous. 1905. The History of the Discovery of the Acarus of Scabies. The Lancet 1:510-511.


【62】【7】。(英文原文:“Immediately after the letter of Bonomo and publication of Redi's book,2
the Pope's chief physician, Giovanni Maria Lancisi (1654-1720) began a
dispute with Bonomo. Lancisi thought scabies had a humoral origin that
preceded the proliferation of the acarus, and, although he recognized
the presence of the parasite, he discarded it as the single cause of the
disease. In the course of this dispute, because of Lancisi's position
as the Pope's chief physician, the fact that he invoked the Scriptures,
and the fate of previous scientists as Galileo; Bonomo was persuaded not
to continue the debate. His discovery was then completely forgotten.6……

stated that Cestoni, a pharmacist of Livorno, Italy, wrote a letter to
the celebrated Italian naturalist, Francesco Redi, in 1687, under the
pseudonym of Giovan Cosimo Bonomo because he feared persecution, since
his ideas related to scabies were opposed to the spontaneous generation
theories.5 In January 15, 1710, thus twenty three years after Bonomo had
written his experiences to Redi, Cestoni wrote a letter to Antonio
Vallisnieri, repudiating the original one and claiming the entire credit
for the discovery of acarus, which appeared just under Bonomo's name,
for himself.13”


afterward, a dispute broke out between Bonomo and Giovanni Maria
Lancisi (1654-1720). Lancisi, the pope's chief physician, recognized the
presence of the acarus but excluded it as the sole cause of scabies.
According to Lancisi, scabies had a humoral origin that preceded the
proliferation of the acarus. Lancisi availed himself of his
authoritative standing and in the course of the dispute invoked the
Scriptures (13.14). Mindful of the fate of Galileo, Bonomo was persuaded
not to continue the debate.

“Partly because of the difficulty of
isolating the acarus, Bonomo's discovery was completely forgotten in the
years that followed.……”)


【64】Srinivas SK., et al. Lancisi Sign. BMJ Case Rep. 2003.


【65】Di Ieva, A., et al. 2007. Lancisi's nerves and the seat of the soul. Neurosurgery 60:563-568.




I will not deny that worms really exist in the pustules of the itch,
yet their presence is no proof that they are to be regarded as its
cause. It is quite as probable that they are in some way or other
generated by the disease; for we find worms in ulcers and wounds, and
yet no one would assert that these worms give rise to the ulcers.”




【69】Pernet, G. 1925. Historical notes on scabies, with remarks on the Palaeonology of the Acarus. British Journal of Dermatology 37:312–316.


Hebra's eulogy of their work, Bonomo and Cestoni were guilty of several
errors: first, in saying that Acarus is present in watery pustules, and
second, in confusing the adult and larval forms.”


【71】Viviani, U. Un errore del gran medico aretino G. M. Lancisi. in Curiosità storiche e letterarie aretine. Arezzo, 1921. pp.118-122.


Tozzius, Lanzoni, and Richard Mead remain to be mentioned as having
translated, and commented on, the works of Cestoni and Bonomo, and as
having thereby aided in diffusing more widely a knowledge of the
important facts contained in their writings.


F. On animal and vegetable parasites of the human body, a manual of
their natural history, diagnosis, and treatment. Vol. II. Translated by
E. Lankester. The Sydenham Society, London. 1857. p.22.


【74】Mead, R. Medical precepts and cautions. J. Brindley, London. 1751. pp.238-242.


【75】Pringle, J. Observations on the diseases of the army in Camp and Garrison. A. Millar, London. 1753. pp.301-302.


【76】The Works of John Hunter. Volume 1. Ed. By Palmer, JF. Longman, London. 1835. p.617.


【77】【47】。(英文原文:“Bonomo was tolerably exact in his description.”


cutaneous disease extremely contagious, which overspreads the body with
small pustules filled with thin serum, and raised, as microscopes have
discovered, by a small animal. It is cured by sulphur.”


the itch is simply a local affection of the skin, occasioned by
animalcula, has been a pretty general opinion in this country, since the
description given by the late Dr. Mead of the insect found in this
disease by Bonomo.”


【80】【15】180页。(拉丁文原文:Acarus exulcerans pedibus longissimis setaceis, anticis duobus, habitat in scabie ferina, cujus causa est.


hope I have now thoroughly explained and proved the etiology of
scabies, or at least rendered it both plausible and logical that it is a
simple skin disease caused by mites.”


knowledge of the disease was so complete, that in this respect he has
been surpassed by none of his predecessors, and by few even of those who
have followed him. He was perfectly acquainted with the burrows made by
the itch-mite, and with the papules (Efflorescenzen) near which young
acari are to be found; and he describes exactly how to extract the
animal from these different places with the point of a needle or




【84】Wichmann, JE. Aetiologie der Krätze. Helwing, Hannover. 1786.




【86】【72】。(英文原文:“……his figures require a good deal of imagination to recognize in them the familiar acarus.”











【注:方舟子的《一种寄生虫引起的争端》一文来自《新华每日电讯》网站,全文照录如下;疑似抄袭部分下面列出相应抄袭来源。方舟子这篇文章的主要抄袭来源是巴西女医生Ramos-e-Silva的文章,GIOVAN COSIMO BONOMO (1663-1696): Discoverer of the   etiology of scabies,该文有网络和印刷两种版本,二者略有不同。本文选用的是网络版,因为它最可能是方舟子的抄袭来源。除了Ramos-e-Silva的文章之外,方文第五段抄自他本人的旧文《科学大争论——生命能否自发产生?》,该文抄自澳大利亚学者的一篇网文(红色标记)。详见亦明:《方舟子在2009年抄袭澳大利亚生物学家John   S. Wilkins》。】



Discoverer   of the etiology of scabies





  (129-200) attributed it to 'melancholic juices'; Avicenna (980-1037)
to   'corrupt blood'; and Velamonte to 'pungent ferment'.


Those who recognized its contagiousness explained it   as the effect of the humors and ferments evaporating from the body.6




the twelfth century, Saint Hildegard (1098-1179), Abbess of the  
Rupertsberg Convent, near Bingen, wrote a book named 'Physika' which
includes   the first actual reference to the Acarus scabiei, and
Avenzoar (1091-1162), a   Moorish physician practicing in Spain,
described what would seem to be the   mite but did not relate it to the

the mite was known long before Bonomo   described it, as is widely
documented, it was not considered the cause of the   disease; which was
believed to be of humoral nature.




  this period there was no doubt about the doctrine of spontaneous
generation.   It was accepted, since the time of Aristotle, that lice
originated from meat,   fleas from filth, and moths from wool, and that
the presence of the acarus on   the skin of scabies patients was
considered a proof of the corruption of the   flesh and blood caused by
internal ailment.3,6




The last great proponent, as experimentation began to   transform science, was Jan Baptist van Helmont (1580–1644). ……His
notes also describe a recipe for mice   (a piece of soiled cloth plus
wheat for 21 days) and scorpions (basil, placed   between two bricks and
left in sunlight). His notes suggest he may even have   done these


Redi (c1626-1697) demonstrated in 1668 that   maggots did not, contrary
to Aristotle, arise spontaneously, but from eggs   laid by adult flies.
Meat covered so that the flies could not reach it was   free of
maggots, while meat that flies could reach developed them.

the empirical method, Francesco Redi   (1626-1698) antagonized the
spontaneous generation theory by demonstrating   that flies only appear
on putrid flesh if other flies had previously   deposited their eggs.




  was the chief physician of Grand Duke Cosimo III and leader of one of
the   schools of thought of that time. He and Giovan Cosimo Bonomo, a
young naval   physician, were regular visitors of Diacinto Cestoni's
pharmacy, in Livorno,   a meeting place for men of letters and science.6

  in his book published in 1936, states that the etiology of scabies
seems to   have been discovered by Redi in 1687 and that its pathogenic
role was evident   after the studies of Renucci, in 1834.9 Nevertheless, it is most   likely that the real discoverer of the
parasitic nature of scabies was Dr.   Giovan Cosimo Bonomo with the
collaboration of the apothecary and naturalist   Diacinto Cestoni; both
of them Francesco Redi's disciples.3


  satisfied with the first discovery, I repeated the search in several
itchy   persons, of different age, complexion and sex, and at different
seasons of   the year, and in all found the same animals; and that in
most of the watery   pustules, for now and then in some few, I could not
see any.


  what Bonomo wrote in these two last paragraphs he actually saw a
female   laying an egg and stated that reproduction was carried out by
the mating of a   male and a female, although he could not see their
sexual differences. He was   much ahead of his time because spontaneous
generation was the prevailing   theory.




this   point Bonomo disagreed with the humoral and spontaneous
generation theory   accepted at that time and stated that the passage
and biting of the skin by   the acarus was the cause of the pruritus.


his   letter Bonomo stated that Sarcoptes scabiei could be transmitted
by direct   contact, and that it sticked to almost everything, so
transmission also occur   through clothes and other fomites. In his
experiments he also observed that   the mite could live out of the body
for some days.


  finish his so complete and exciting observations Bonomo suggested
that the   cure of the itch could be accomplished by the use of local
therapy, as   sulphur, which is used until now. He stated that internal
drugs were not   effective and local treatment had to go on for two or
three more days after   the cure of the itch. This time would be
necessary to prevent relapses   because of the presence of eggs that,
after hatching, could then start a new   biological cycle of the




Immediately after the letter of Bonomo and   publication of Redi's book,2
the Pope's chief physician, Giovanni   Maria Lancisi (1654-1720) began a
dispute with Bonomo. Lancisi thought   scabies had a humoral origin
that preceded the proliferation of the acarus,   and, although he
recognized the presence of the parasite, he discarded it as   the single
cause of the disease. In the course of this dispute, because of  
Lancisi's position as the Pope's chief physician, the fact that he
invoked   the Scriptures, and the fate of previous scientists as
Galileo; Bonomo was   persuaded not to continue the debate. His
discovery was then completely   forgotten.6 As Ernest Besnier and Adrian
Doyon said later and very   pertinently, it was a time when the medical
brain was not yet prepared to   accept this discovery.12




It is   difficult to establish with precision and certainty how much is owed to   Bonomo and Cestoni.3
Usually their names are referred to as two   distinct persons who
worked together, but there are some authors, as Raspail and   Devergie,
that claim they are the same person. Raspail stated that Cestoni, a  
pharmacist of Livorno, Italy, wrote a letter to the celebrated Italian  
naturalist, Francesco Redi, in 1687, under the pseudonym of Giovan
Cosimo   Bonomo because he feared persecution, since his ideas related
to scabies were   opposed to the spontaneous generation theories.5
In January 15,   1710, thus twenty three years after Bonomo had written
his experiences to   Redi, Cestoni wrote a letter to Antonio
Vallisnieri, repudiating the original   one and claiming the entire
credit for the discovery of acarus, which   appeared just under Bonomo's
name, for himself.13




was   only in 1834, almost two centuries later, that Renucci, a young
student,   re-established the fact that the acarus was the cause of
scabies.15   After this, a period of intense investigations
on scabies began, and   Ferdinand Hebra (1816-80), by particular
self-experiments, was the one that   did the most to settle once and for
all the problem of scabies. He published   his views on diagnosis,
etiology, and treatment of this disease in 1844 and   made an eulogy of
Bonomo's and Cestoni's work.16


It was   Cumston, in 1924, who credited Bonomo for the discovery and first description   of Sarcoptes scabiei,5
and, finally in 1927, Razzauti came across   Bonomo's signed letter
which had been preserved in the Library of Fraternità   di S. Maria of
Arezzo.14 Its publication that year proved that, in   fact,
the discovery of the acarian origin of scabies preceded Renucci's paper  
and its official scientific recognition by 150 years.3




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