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my idea is different
送交者: 基甸恩典 2009月05月14日22:34:47 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Well, my impression isstinger 于 2009-05-14 22:13:33
God is truth itself. Religion is not truth. Religion reveals the relationship between God and human, and thus determines the relation among people which called ethic.

Philosophy is seeking the answer about "essence" or the reason behind the various phenomenon. But philosophy cannot reveal the reason of the whole world. Otherwise, philosophy becomes a religion. Religion tries to give a reason and purpose for the whole world.

From my point of view, philosophy only deals with the reason of part of the world. Philosophers always observe the phenomenon "in this world" but religion provide an observation angle from a point "outside of the world". Only when you stand outside of the world can you know the meaning of the world. Only you stand outside of your life, you can know the purpose of your life.

Only God can reveal that observation as no one can stand outside of the world. You should admit your observation to this world is limited and most likely uncorrect. Only God is Truth. So every one is equal, ha ha.
  U brought up a good point! - stinger 05/14/09 (280)
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