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Not really.
送交者: Wanderer 2008月07月24日12:46:08 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 他們沒有系統的初中和高中學習訓練,當然他們有他們的長處齊楠木 於 2008-07-24 11:45:50
Let me answer you.

I was a chemistry student of the 77 grade. I did not learn any physics and chemistry from school other than I taught myself math, physics and chemistry after I left school at the age of 15.
I entered a top university in China in Feb. 1978, and worked in a university after graduate school.

When I was in China, I was asked by many parents and middle school students about problems of math (algebra and geometry. No one asked physics/chemistry problems.). Some of the problems were not solved by the school or even college math teachers (include those of well after 77 grade.). I am proud to say that I solved all the problems on site.

Of course, I solved many problems that embarrassed some of younger math colleagues!

An excuse I often heard from those embarrassed colleagues was that “I forgot the theorems”. Well, we all forget things. But if you are well trained, you are trained to think, to study and to research, but not to remember.

That’s my answer.

BTW, which grade is the BEST?
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