bank ban 浜
sink sin 沉 (上海話)
ink in 印
tank tan 潭
chick. chi. 雞
link. lin. 連 (粵語)
choose 取
child = 孩 , ch在很多語言裡發 h.
feed. 客家說餵是 vee
bawl, shout. 咆哮
Chilly, 悽厲
Howl, 嚎
Chant, 唱
Song, 頌
Lynch, 凌遲
Mall, 貿
Bawd, 鴇
Ring, 鈴
Bad, 敗(壞)
Pair, 配
King, 亁 (粵語)
Queen, 坤 (粵語)
Tow, 拖
Kin, 親 (粵語,q 常讀 k, 比如 傾)
Cut, 刻 (很多南方話)
Strong, 壯
Bind (bound), 綁
Sound, 盪(古音 商)(A narrow stretch of water)
Pay, 賠
Fee, 費
Vend, 販
Shoe, 靴
Swallow, swallow, 燕, 嚥
From the dictionary, lynch is a new word originated in 19th century. But if our guess is right, it could emerge much earlier.