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Forex Trading Chart 01-19
送交者: 迷思 2022年01月19日15:46:32 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

The Forex  trading process

Many readers like the courses here, especially the actual combat legends. They hope to follow the course plan to formulate their own trading plans and participate in actual combat, so we strive to publish more legends here every week for your reference.

 Forex Trading Actual Legend 01-19

From Monday to Friday, the foreign exchange market in the 24 hours a day trading has given us fertile soil to develop freelance jobs, cherish and seriously participate in the market, and use the methods provided by the bulletproof course to make us obtain good benefits.

Let's share (18, 19) trading practice legend: We use the 1min chart to follow the footsteps of the prey, use the aiming skills without missing bullets, and shoot accurately. The legend verifies that our course's follow-up of fluctuations is very effective. In the picture, we marked the time and position of the shooting, which is easy to understand.

Today's summary with pictures and facts:

After learning the practical knowledge of Trading Process foreign exchange trading, you will be able to

A. Build a trading software, a trading platform that combines trading technology to become the basis of your trading

b. Tell you to only focus on those foreign exchange pairs that are most likely to make a big change in the short term, and trade at the power time.

c. Construct the scoring basis of the trading object, and determine the position that should be invested in the transaction according to the score. At the same time, it avoids the bad habits of beginner traders mentioned in the previous course: chasing up, selling down, and matching the trend

We should all have our own trading system, with it you can make it easier to make yourself happy in trading. After all, living the way you want is what everyone should aspire to. Trading not only provides a lifestyle unlike any other, it also provides you with the opportunity to achieve your life goals.

A successful intraday trading system based on the content of the Dancing with Stocks course needs to solve two problems :

A finds the trend as early as possible; B confirms that the trend is established;

 This has been verified by a large number of examples in our student platform

Thus, a mature trading method was born. Trading according to the chart: This is a mature and easy method, which is welcomed by many students. The brief introduction is as follows

Trading according to the chart:

Any time frame, as long as the graphics conform to the dancing with the shares, play the winning legend, participate in the transaction.

Tool: 20 move average line and bar line 

A: Find the trend follow the trend: waiting the price go cross over the bar line ,

B: Confirm that the trend is established: MACD is HP (MACD line cross over its 0 line )

C: Aimed shot: open a position begin to trade at price go back the bar line and 20 average line

Take profit point:

Tool: bar line 

D: Lock in profits in time: Price pass over the bar, then close the position

標 題 (必選項):
內 容 (選填項):
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