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丘成同出賣曹朱, 也把中科院教育部給出賣了
送交者: dila 2006年10月17日15:53:58 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

丘成同把曹朱出賣了, 也把發嘉獎令的中科院與教育部給出賣了--

In a twist, a flaw has been discovered in the Cao-Zhu paper. One of the arguments that the authors used to fill in Dr. Perelman’s proof is identical to one posted on the Internet in June 2003 by Bruce Kleiner, of Yale, and John Lott, of the University of Michigan, who had been trying to explicate Dr. Perelman’s work.

In an erratum to run in The Asian Journal of Mathematics, Dr. Cao and Dr. Zhu acknowledge the mistake, saying they had forgotten that they studied and incorporated that material into their notes three years ago.

In an e-mail message, Dr. Yau said the incident was “unfortunate” but reaffirmed his decision to expedite the paper’s publication. “Even after the correction, the paper provides many important new details and clarifications of Hamilton and Perelman’s proof of the Poincaré and Thurston conjectures.”

抄襲剽竊之作不要說什麼菲爾茲獎與國家嘉獎令, 連發表都有問題.

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