comments on 中國學生創建反CNN網站 |
送交者: xpt 2008年03月29日16:27:00 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話 |
Perhaps this is a new generation thing, or the exhibition of the confidence gained recently, Chinese staged an unusual global show of patriotism lately over the foreign media reports on Tibet riot. They used internet to set up websites to refute the reports, cut and edited the pictures frame by frame, check the authenticity of the reports, pictures, videos. They became the unofficial voice of the official voice of China. How brilliant, how gallant, my beloved Chinese brothers and sisters are. The gallant Chinese however are often silent and unusually shy about the media reports from China, from the CCP controlled media. Where were you when thousands of children are slaved in mines and factories? Where were you patriotic Chinese when thousands of corrupted Chinese government officials took the money from the people and the state media still says everything is fine? Where were you when our motherland is polluted and abused by money-hungry corporations and state government? Where where you when the Chinese traditions and values are corrupted and eroded ... Even for Tibet, how much do you know about the spiritual suffering and the pain that Tibetans have experienced when they saw their culture and traditions are taken away day after day? What struck me the most through the recent events are how far Chinese are from grappling humanity and equality, which are the very foundation of any modern society. Ironically, Chinese have not learned anything from history, including their own history. -----------------------------------------------------------------
全球華人抵制西媒歪曲報導 針對西方媒體就西藏事件的失實偏頗報導,中國學生創建“反CNN”網站(),揭露相關新聞真相。網站首頁稱,CNN是“全球謊言領軍人物”(TheWorld's Leader of Liars)。 在一封公開信中,網站稱旨在“收集、整理並發布西方主流媒體作惡的證據”,是“一場反抗西方話語霸權的鬥爭”,並呼籲所有華人抵制“西方戈培爾(Joseph Goebbels)納粹媒體”,戈培爾是當年希特勒手下宣傳部長。 據稱此封公開信曾在該網站及部分海外華人論壇中流傳,且已由中國日報新聞網節選報導,後者已獲證實。 網站曝光涉嫌虛假偏頗報導的多則新聞、圖片及視頻截圖,截止昨日下午止,被網站指認並貼出證據圖片的新聞機構除CNN和BBC外,還包括美國FOX、德國N24、英國泰晤士報,以及後文提到的多家媒體。這些圖片及新聞近日來在著名視頻網站Youtube和留園網等引起廣泛關注。
全球範圍內,除悉尼、多倫多等國際都市已經確定將於近期舉行示威遊行活動外,其它多個城市的抗議活動也正在緊鑼密鼓籌備中。據劍橋大學方姓同學稱,留英的中國學生上周六在位於倫敦的TibetHouse外集會示威,且打出了“公正傳媒”(FairMedia)的標語。而在中國本土,網民們則發起了“做人不能太CNN”的流行口頭禪,表示對西方媒體不實報導的極大不滿。海外媒體指鹿為馬在悉尼周日遊行組織者之一的Mark指導下,記者登錄Youtube網站,通過搜索關鍵詞“Tibet”,找到那段引起廣泛關注的視頻,標題為“西藏騷亂:西方媒體的真實面孔”(RiotinTibet:Truefaceof westernmedia)。在這段長達4分半鍾的視頻中,公布被有意處理的新聞圖片,以及部分報導中的不實之處。如視頻指出,德國多家媒體將尼泊爾加德滿都騷亂扣上拉薩的帽子,而美國某媒體刻意剪切圖片中暴亂分子部分,僅剩下“軍車進城”的場面。Mark表示,看過此視頻的朋友均感到十分憤怒。他希望海外媒體在新聞報導時,能秉持客觀公正的態度。德國電視新聞頻道N-TV和RTL電視台日前已經承認報導失實並道歉。
德國N-TV電視台:以尼泊爾警察毆打示威者的新聞圖片李代桃僵德國圖片報(BildZeitung):以尼泊爾警察毆打示威者的新聞圖片李代桃僵德國RTL電視台:以尼泊爾警察毆打示威者的新聞圖片李代桃僵 柏林早郵報(Berliner Mogenpost):將警員營救漢民的圖片稱之為警方拘捕德國明鏡周刊(DerSpiegel):使用不準確的措詞誤導圖片內容 美國華盛頓郵報(Washingtonpost):以尼泊爾警察毆打示威者的新聞圖片李代桃僵美國有線電視新聞網(CNN):剪切圖片中暴亂分子部分,僅剩下“軍車進城”的場面英國BBC:將救護車及救護人員稱之為“重兵進駐拉薩” |
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