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請問Holiday Drive
送交者: 小百合 2009年12月09日07:30:31 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

Holiday Drive

Once again, it is time for our LB holiday charity drive. All donations will be given to Crossroads N.J. and the N.J. Food Bank.

Although these have been difficult times for all, it has been especially hard for those who are homeless and unemployed. Foreclosures have been through the roof, and more individuals are receiving food stamps than ever before. It would be heart wrenching to see folks experience a Christmas without presents.

Please try to be as generous as you can afford to be. The drive is seeking new clothing for all ages, and toys and games for the little ones. Too, monetary donations would be greatly appreciated. We are also collecting food for the N.J. Food Bank. If every staff member of each LB brought in even one non-perishable food item, it would make a big difference to some family’s holiday.

Please all donations to me by Monday, December 21st . We will not be wrapping the gifts this year so as to allow the volunteers at Crossroads to give gifts which will be age and gender appropriate.

Thank you so much for all your past generous donations. You cannot begin to imagine the happiness and gratitude which is expressed by the staff at Crossroads when we make our holiday delivery.



In lieu of personal gifts to my friends & colleagues I will be making a donation to this charity.

Happy Holidays to all!

A  (12/7/2009)

Holiday Drive 的Drive= donations

heart wrenching?
In lieu of personal ?
Foreclosures have been through the roof?


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