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方舟子在2009年抄襲澳大利亞生物學家John S. Wil
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方舟子在2009年抄襲澳大利亞生物學家John S. Wilkins



方舟子所說的“此時”是指1886年。眾所周知,“微生物理論”(Germ Theory)的創建人是法國的路易•巴斯德(Louis Pasteur,1822-1895),他在“此時”之前二十多年就通過實驗證明了導致發酵的是微生物,並且推測(後來證明)很多動物和人類的疾病的病原都是微生物。巴斯德的發現,直接導致英國外科醫生李斯特(Joseph Lister)在1865年前後建立無菌手術操作規程,他也被譽為“外科手術之父”。也就是說,方舟子把“微生物病原學說”(Germ Theory of Disease)的功勞全部歸於“德國醫生柯赫”,但卻對“法國科學家巴斯德”絕口不提,凸顯其科學史知識的貧乏。(方舟子說“這三名荷蘭醫生的使命是……製造出疫苗”,也是無知之處,另文分析。)








原來,在互聯網上有一篇文章,題目是《生命自生說與生命之起源》(Spontaneous Generation and the Origin of Life),作者是澳大利亞生物學家、悉尼大學講師John S. Wilkins博士。在署名之下,Wilkins申明這是一篇有版權的文章。(見下圖)。

John S. Wilkins的版權聲明









下面是方舟子的《科學大爭論——生命能否自發產生?》與John S. Wilkins的Spontaneous Generation and the Origin of Life的比較。方舟子文章全文照錄,抄襲部分,列出被抄襲英文。部分英文來自英文維基百科。






Anaximenes, his pupil (588-524) thought that air was the element that imparted life, motion and thought, and supposed there was a primordial terestrial slime, a mixture of earth and water, from which the sun's heat formed plants, animals and human beings directly. {Osborn 35}

Aristotle denied that the universe, and the earth, had a beginning, so this is a process that happens all the time, not just at the beginning, as in the older Greek thinkers.

In Aristotle (384-322) we get the most sophisticated of all these Greek views. He thought there were four elements and a fifth essence later called the "quintessence" or "ether" that occurred only beyond the moon, in the heavens. The four terrestrial elements are, of course, earth, air, fire and water, each of which is a principle of hot, cold, dry and wet {see the discussions in Toulmin and Goodfield 1962a and 1962b}.【註:亞里士多德的生卒年代應該是公元前384-322。】

He thought that the properties of living organisms were due to the mixture of these principles and elements in each part of the body, plus an animating force he called "pneuma", which got translated as "anima" in Latin, the word for "soul".

"As a general rule, then, all testaceans grow by spontaneous generation in mud, differing from one another according to the differences of the material; oysters growing in slime, and cockles and the other testaceans above mentioned on sandy bottoms; and in the hollows of the rocks the ascidian and the barnacle, and common sorts, such as the limpet and the nerites."547b18-22 【以上引號內是Wilkins引用亞里士多德的文字。下同。】

"Other insects are not derived from living parentage, but are generated spontaneously: some out of dew falling on leaves, ordinarily in spring-time, but not seldom in winter when there has been a stretch of fair weather and southerly winds; others grow in decaying mud or dung; others in timber, green or dry; some in the hair of animals; some in the flesh of animals; some in excrements: and some from excrement after it has been voided, and some from excrement yet within the living animal, like the helminthes or intestinal worms." 551a1-10


On its surface, creation according to Genesis would seem to be incompatible with spontaneous generation. Despite this, the Christian Churches adopted Aristotelianism. Of the major writers, one the most influential, Augustine of Hippo discussed the subject in The City of God and The Literal Meaning of Genesis. He reconciled spontaneous generation by citing passages such as "Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life" (Genesis 1:20) as decrees that would enable ongoing creation.[12] Augustine emphasized that appearing ignorant of the natural world would not cast Christians in a good light.[13][【這段文字見維基百科Spontaneous generation詞條2009年8月29日版,[en.wikipedia.org]。】


The last great proponent, as experimentation began to transform science, was Jan Baptist van Helmont (1580–1644). He used experimental techniques, most famously growing a willow for five years and showing it increased mass while the soil showed a trivial decrease in comparison. As the process of photosynthesis was not understood, he attributed the increase of mass to the absorption of water.[19] His notes also describe a recipe for mice (a piece of soiled cloth plus wheat for 21 days) and scorpions (basil, placed between two bricks and left in sunlight). His notes suggest he may even have done these things.[20]【以上見維基百科Spontaneous generation詞條,鏈接同上。】

Francisco Redi (c1626-1697) demonstrated in 1668 that maggots did not, contrary to Aristotle, arise spontaneously, but from eggs laid by adult flies. Meat covered so that the flies could not reach it was free of maggots, while meat that flies could reach developed them. A member of the Academy of Experiments in Florence, he carried out several experiments on the matter, following the development of fly larvae form eggs, on different meats including lion meat, lamb, fishes and snakes. The results were published as Experiments on the Generation of Insects. He said, using "worm" to mean maggot:

"I began to believe that all worms found in meat derived from flies and not from putrefaction. I was confirmed by observing that, before the meat became wormy, there hovered over it flies of that very kind that later bred in it. Belief unconfirmed by experiment is vain. Therefore I put a [dead] snake, some fish, and a slice of veal in four large, wide-mouthed flasks. These I closed and sealed. Then I filled the same number of flasks in the same way leaving them open. Flies were seen constantly entering and leaving the open flasks. The meat and fish in them became wormy. In the closed flasks were no worms, though the contents were now putrid and stinking. Outside, on the covers of the closed flasks a few maggots eagerly sought some crevice of entry.

"Thus the flesh of dead animals cannot engender worms unless the eggs of the living be deposited therein." {Quoted from Singer 440}

Redi did not disprove spontaneous generation as such, as Magner notes, but his experiments did "shrink the battle from the generation of macroscopic creatures to the small new world of infusoria and animalcules discovered by van Leeuwenhoek" {Magner 267}. Despite this, though, he continued to believe gall insects were spontaneously generated. Later workers, such as Antonio Vallisnieri (1661-1730), showed in 1700 that gall wasps laid their eggs in the plants before the gall formed around the larvae, as had Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694) {Singer 441}, and Jan Swammerdam (1637-1680) in 1669, while Rene Antoine Ferchault de Réamur (1683-1757) in his Contributions to the History of Insects (1737-1748) showed that insects that had been thought to spontaneously generate in fact arose from eggs. {Gasking 62-63}


Joblot had tried to show that infusoria (simple organisms found in infusions into organic material, mostly ciliates) were not spontaneously generated by boiling a medium, and placing one part in a sealed vessel, the other in an open one. The sealed one did not become infused with these organisms. To prove the medium was still capable of supporting life, he exposed the sealed material to the air and it was soon teaming too.

The great French naturalist Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon (1707-1788, known as Buffon even by the French) and an English Catholic priest, the Abbé John Turberville Needham (1713-1781), an accomplished microscopist whom Buffon met on a trip to England, decided around 1738 to attempt to disprove the work of Louis Joblot (1645-1723). {Gasking 89-90}

Abbott Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-1799) disagreed, and set about disproving Needham and Buffon's results. He was also a professor at the universities of Reggio, Modena and Pavia, and his experimental work was of high standard. He reasoned that the minute organisms must have a more minute early stage of growth, and so decided that the problem could not be resolved through the use of a microscope. {Singer 442} In 1767, he published his account rebutting Needham and Buffon, saying:

"I sought to discover whether long boiling would injure or prevent the production of animalcules in infusions. I prepared infusions with eleven varieties of seeds, boiled for half an hour. The vessels were loosely stopped with corks. After eight days I examined the infusions microscopically. In all there were animalcules, but of differing species. Therefore long boiling does not of itself prevent their production". {Quoted in Singer 442}

This did not end the debate - others repeated the experiments with varying success or failure. Theodor Schwann (1810-1882), one of the founders of the Cell Theory, showed that air that had been heated would not cause putrefaction in a sterilised broth in 1836-1837, but the reason was ambiguous; it may have been heated (calcined) air was unable to support respiration. French chemist Joseph-Louis Gay-Lusssac (1778-1850) showed that Spallanzani's experiments included oxygen, which was necessary for fermentation and putrefaction, by proving that a frog could live in it. Others such as Franz Schultze (1815-1873), Heinrich Schroder (1810-1885) and Theodor von Dusch (1824-1890), all tried to resolve the matter, to no avail. {Singer 443, Magner 269-270} The arguments continued.

Despite the theoretical arguments, a French chef, Nicholas Appert (1750-1841) applied Spallanzani's results to food commercially, placing it in clean bottles, corking them slightly, and boiling them. These techniques were published in 1810, and founded the canning industry. {Magner 269} Another industrial matter came to the fore at this time - fermentation. The man to resolve this side of the debate was Louis Pasteur.




The Director of the Natural History Museum in Rouen, Félix Archimède Pouchet (1800-1872), began presenting a series of papers in 1855 to the Academy of Sciences in Paris, purporting to prove spontaneous generation, and to show not only that it happened, but under what circumstances. He named his subject heterogenesis, which was the title of a massive volume he published in 1859. Like Buffon and Needham, Pouchet thought that heterogenesis was not accidental, but due to the vital force of the materials, which had to be pre-existing organic matter. According to him, the causal factors involved were organic matter, water, air, and the right temperature. {Magner 270}


The French Academy of Science offered the Alhumbert Prize of 2500 francs to whoever could shed "new light on the question of so-called spontaneous generation".







Strictly, Pouchet had shown that hay infusions would generate even when boiled, because, as it was shown a while later, hay had heat resistant spores. {Geison 131} Had he stayed in the competition, he may very well have won (although not because he was right about spontaneous generation).

More worrying to us moderns is that it transpires, now that Pasteur's notebooks have become available (they were made available only in the 1970s, and an index published only in 1985), that Pasteur repeatedly ignored positive results in experiments, claiming that they were due to error rather than spontaneous generation; in fact only 10% of his experiments gave his desired result. {Geison 130}【註:這段話是方舟子抄襲的“鐵證”,詳見尋正的文章:《抄書為什麼會抄錯?》,[www.de-sci.org]。】

Even so, Pasteur was correct - modern life, including fungi and infusorians, did not arise from non-living matter, whether or not that matter was organic or elemental. The debate over his experimental technique matters only to historians, although Geison's 1995 book caused an enormous furore in France, where Pasteur is something of a secular saint.

So we must ask - what did Pasteur prove? Did he prove that no life can ever come from non-living things? No, he didn't, and this is because you cannot disprove something like that experimentally, only theoretically, and he had no theory of molecular biology to establish this claim. What he showed was that it was highly unlikely that modern living organisms arose from non-living organic material. This is a much more restricted claim than that primitive life once arose from non-living non-organic material.


In other countries, where Darwin's Origin, published the same year as Pasteur's studies, had an influence, which in France it tended not to, abiogenesis was still regarded as a viable notion. Although Darwin added the phrase "by the Creator" into his final paragraph in the second (1860) edition, and Huxley had also publicly stated that life may have been originally created, this was never understood to be part of the evolutionary mindset, and it was not long before people began to speculate on how life began. Darwin himself did, in a letter to his botanist friend Joseph Hooker in 1871, he wrote:

Like Oken, Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829), a student of Buffon's, also believed in spontaneous generation,

Just preceding Lamarck, Darwin's own grandfather, Dr Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), wrote in his scientific poem The Temple of Nature (1802), much appreciated at the time but not much later:

"Hence without parents, by spontaneous birth,
Rise the first specks of animated earth."

Darwin himself did, in a letter to his botanist friend Joseph Hooker in 1871, he wrote:

"It is often said that all the conditions for the first production of a living organism are now present, which could ever have been present. But if (and oh! what a big if!) we could conceive in some warm little pond, with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts, light, heat, electricity, &c., present, that a proteine (sic) compound was chemically formed ready to undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter would be instantly absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were found."

T. H. Huxley, ……returned to the question and coined the term "abiogenesis" {Huxley 1870} to contrast to "biogenesis", the doctrine that all life arises from life.

The Darwinists seemed to line up behind Pasteur, on this and other questions (Huxley was a medical doctor, and he accepted the contagion theory of disease).……However, others were not so circumspect. Henry Charlton Bastian (1837-1915), one of the younger Darwinians, was convinced that life had spontaneously generated, and still did {Strick}. He declared that belief in abiogenesis did not commit one to denying the contagion theory of disease, although he denied that contagion was caused by living forms, but by organic but nonliving "fragments" from which living forms arose, a view admitted as legitimate by Pasteur, although Pasteur did not believe it.






None of the people who did crucial experiments on spontaneous generation disproved abiogenesis. At best, they strongly confirmed the hypothesis that modern organisms (mice, maggots, or germs) did not arise in ordinary cases out of nonliving material. Most of the experiments against spontaneous generation were posed against heterogenesis, the doctrine that life could form from the decayed products of living organisms.

Pasteur did not disprove the origin of life by natural means, and the saying "all cells from cells" was not intended to cover the initial period of life on earth. Darwin did not propose a theory of the origin of life in the beginning.





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