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Generosity and Enorsity
送交者: c_y_lo 2011年05月27日20:48:10 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

China's over extraordinary generosity toward the other countries is exactly the source that leads to the great enormity from them.

When they find out that China is not rich enough to the point that can afford this kind of generosity, they would ask why the Chinese government treats a foreign country far better their own citizens. Inevitably, they would conclude that the Chinese government must have unspeakable evil purpose toward them. This automatically creates, in their heart, at least a great distrust if not great enormity toward China. In the past, China did have a well known purpose, to be the leader of the third world revolution. However, since Chinese government has proclaimed peaceful development, why should she continue the policy that makes generosity possible at the expenses of the suffering of their own countrymen?  

Yes, for people with different values, it is difficult to endear them. However, it is the deep rooted suspicion that created the irremovable enormity. In other words, the Chinese government has succeeded in buying great enormity from others by showing great over generosity toward others instead of the Chinese people.

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