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Invalidity of E = mc2
送交者: c_y_lo 2011年08月08日09:18:32 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

The Reissner-Nordstrom Metric, Invalidity of E = mc2, and Einstein’s Unification

C. Y. Lo

Applied and Pure Research Institute

17 Newcastle Drive, Nashua, NH 03060

August 2011


The formula E = mc2 is often misinterpreted as unconditionally valid. This unverified speculation is often used for supporting invalidity in physics. This error is, in part, responsible for the misinterpretations of the Reissner-Nordstrom metric of a charged particle. Thus, the charge-mass interaction that could have been discovered from this metric is over looked for about 90 years. Recently, experiments have verified the existence of such a new charge-mass repulsive force, and thus reject the misinterpretations. Concurrently, the nonequivalence of mass and electric energy is also clearly verified, and thus the photons must included non-electromagnetic energy. Therefore, current theories based on unconditionally validity of this formula should be revised with new supports. This new force demands a new coupling from the unification of gravitation and electromagnetism, and the existence of a five-dimensional space that Einstein conjectured. Then, the weight reduction of a charged capacitor, which is beyond general relativity, can be understood. Thus, a new chapter for both experimental and theoretical physics is now opened.


04.20.-q, 04.20.Cv

Key Words: Einstein’s Equivalence Principle, Preliminary Assumption of Equivalence, Physical Space, the Euclidean-like structure, Einstein-Minkowski condition.


Science sets itself apart from other paths to truth by recognizing that even its greatest practitioners sometimes err. ┅ We recognize that our most important scientific forerunners were not prophets whose writings must be studied as infallible guides—they were simply great men and women who prepared the ground for the better understandings we have now achieved.”

-- S. Weinberg, Physics Today, November 2005.

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