Metagenetics 一個新的遺傳學(Genetics)分支學科
其中,“Meta-" 有在某某之後的意思,“Metagenetics" 意思為“後遺傳學”,但也有“metagenesis“(交替)的意思,可以很好反映“基因-環境因子”相互作用這層意思。
不僅可以囊括“基因-環境”互作的基本理論,也可以把原有的“Nature versus Nurture" 之下所有的話題囊括在內,同時,還可以包括,旨在通過營養設計、環境設計影響基因性狀的實踐活動。
As findings of more and more important influences of enviromental factors on genetic traits, and also by being implicated by the use of the term "Epigenetics" in reflecting the controls of genetic information by using various means of modifications, without changing the DNA sequences, I think it is the time to creat a new term "Metagenetics" to adopt knowledge relating to the findings of the effects of interactions between genes and environments on traits, including normal and abnormal traits, such as human diseases, which, in these contexts are obviously extensions of "Genetics". I realized that people usually use "Nature versus Nurture" when discuss the related issues, however, I think this time it may be more concise, more specific and more formal to use the word "Metagenics" to represent all relating topics.