“感谢上海市中学数学竞赛给我以参赛者的身份在1978年3月上海科学会堂现场临听李政道教授的学术报告,感谢当年广泛宣传的李政道,杨振宁得诺贝尔奖的令人崇拜的故事,这使我和其他许多年轻人一样梦想成为理论物理学家“ (摘自我尚未发表的 “以此文纪念我们复旦大学理论物理本科毕业40周年”)。在这之后,我成为了复旦大学78级理论物理班的学生,这导致我有幸在2016年破解了太阳系的量子力学结构之谜,并花了十年时间建立起了{N,n}QM的框架。 "Also thanks to Chen-Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee, they made me to dream to be a theoretical physicist when I was
eighteen"(见我的预印本论文 SunQM-7s1: Space Formation/Transformation, Relativity, and the Possible Origin of the Lightspeed and Its Constancy (Viewed from {N,n} QM). https://vixra.org/pdf/2407.0170v1.pdf (submitted on 2024-07-29)). “Also thanks to Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen-Ning Yang, they made me to dream to be a theoretical physicist when I was eighteen” (见我的预印本论文 SunQM-6s10: {N,n} QM Field Theory, S/RFs-force, Nuclear Force, Spin-spin Interaction, and the Possible Origin of the Weak-Force and Beta-Decay. https://vixra.org/pdf/2406.0140v1.pdf (submitted on 2024-06-24))。