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Kant - 5
送交者: 黑石头 2016年05月12日06:20:28 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

Kant -5

Kant takes another case, the case of suicide. He says we have a duty to preserve ourselves. Now, for most people, who love life, we have multiple reasons for not taking our own lives. So the only way we can really tell, the only way we can isolate the operative motive, for someone who doesn’t take his or her life, is to think, to imagine someone who’s miserable, and who despite having an absolutely miserable life., and who despite having an absolutely miserable life, and so, does not commit suicide.

The force of this example is to bring out the motive that matters. And the motive that matters for morality is doing the right thing for sake of duty.

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