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Repulsive Gravitation and Eins
送交者: c_y_lo 2016年07月04日07:57:36 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

The Repulsive Gravitation and Errors of Einstein

C. Y. Lo

Applied and Pure Research Institute

15 Walnut   Hill Rd., Amherst, NH  03031

email: c_y_lo@yahoo.com


A major Error of Einstein is that he rejected repulsive gravitation which Galileo and Newton also over-looked. The existence of repulsive gravitation can be identified if one calculates the static Einstein equation for a charged particle carefully. This necessitates a good understanding of the non-linear mathematics and the physics of general relativity. However, Einstein rejected the existence of repulsive gravitation because, in addition to inadequacy in mathematics, he incorrectly believed the validity of his speculation, the unconditional validity of E = mc2. Now, experiments have proven that E = mc2 is invalid for the electromagnetic energy. Thus, we can unequivocally conclude that Einstein had made serious errors.

  interesting - han526 07/07/16 (1981)
    I did not propose but discover - c_y_lo 07/07/16 (2037)
      Do you have any supporters or - wtxwtx 07/09/16 (1948)
        I have published a paperon .. - c_y_lo 07/10/16 (1850)
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