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怎样在美国成为医生 (3): visa issue
送交者: Flysss 2005年12月21日21:09:11 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

这次谈谈身份的问题. 要先声明一点, 大部分内容都是朋友的经验之谈, 无法提供详细解释.

如果没有绿卡的话, 最理想的方式是夫妻中的一方办绿卡, 另一方去做医生. 这样即便没拿到绿卡, 也可以先用EAD去做住院医生.

既没绿卡, 又想做医生, 最简单的办法是用J1 Visa. 我觉得很多人, 包括我自己, 以前都有一个误解: 用了J1, 以后waiver会很麻烦. 当然有点麻烦, 但是用J1简单, 不用求人, 而且连绿卡也解决了.

1. ECFMG提供J1 sponsorship. 因为美国的住院医生不够用, 管理和帮助FMG是ECFMG的主要责任, 因此在J1的问题上, ECFMG只会帮助你, 而不会刁难你. 只要program提供很简单的paperwork就可以了, 基本没有INS的积压问题.

2. 移民配额里, 专门有一类NIW 绿卡是为医生准备的, 不需要你去找推荐信, 也不需要你的publications, 唯一的条件是在Underserved area (“贫困地区”) 服务5年. 这里请注意非常重要的两点:
A. 贫困地区并不一定是在WY 或AL的穷乡僻壤, 相反, 所有的VA medical center和大城市的贫苦地区, 比如说LA或 NYC的downtown 都属于Underserved area.
B. 所有的专业都可以用NIW来办waiver和绿卡, 而不是primary care specialty only (medicine, pediatrics, OB/GYN).
具体怎么办, 恐怕要找专业律师去咨询去了. 但我知道有内科专科, 放射科, 麻醉科, 病理科的医生通过这种途径办了绿卡.

既然说得这么好, 大家为什么还不愿用J1呢? 第一, 你找工作的范围小了. 第二, 你这五年的工资不会很高. 但是任何事情都有利有弊, 就看你怎么权衡了.

第二种VISA, H1B, 大家都知道了, 必须先考过STEP3, 而且program答应sponsor H1B. 因为要办很多paperwork, 所以有一些program甚至是整个医学院都不给办H1B. 这就只能找其他的program了. 因此, 送交申请前, 要先打电话问清楚.

The 3rd is a little bit of tricky. If you are pursuing a PhD in the US, you may try OPT to start your residency, then change to H1B visa after one year. This is a gray zone, because strictly speaking, OPT can only be used in the training which is related to your major. How to interpret is depend on both the lawyer and the court. I know someone used this way to do their 1st year residency, and I also know some medical schools state very specifically that OPT can’t be used for residency unless you are a graduate from a US medical school. You make your decision. It may be risky.

The 4th method might be the best one, but it has lots of criteria to fit.
Do you know that residency is an employment? Then why can’t we apply for green card based on employment? Because the residency contract is usually renewed every year, but the green card application requires a “permanent job”, i.e. at least three-year contract. Let me show you example. You worked for your boss for some time and your boss really likes you, and your boss would like to help you for what ever reason. Plus your boss is the chair of your program, and you know most attendings from your program and impress some of them, i.e. nobody is really against you. Then ask your boss to show a three-year contract to the international office for green card appliation, and start your residency meanwhile.
这最后一条纯粹靠运气, 所以放在最后.

It takes me too much time to type those words. So, I won’t put any long article from now. If you have any questions, please specify in the follow up. I will try my best to answer.

Good luck, my fellow countrymen.

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