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11.6.4 离系果 Off-Be Fruit
送交者: 卢岩 2023年07月13日18:37:51 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话


Be, is the verb to be (am, is, are), means “binding up lives”, bondage (refer to section 14.1, 14.2). Off-be means unfetter, liberation. Off-Be Fruit is alias of salvation, nirvana, enlightenment, and liberation, etc. It is achievement of practicing Path Crux (refer to chapter 16), transcending the vicious cycle of birth and death.

11.6.4 Off-Be Fruit 离系果.jpg


Off-Be Fruit can be understood as the four shamanic fruits: enter-stream fruit, one-come fruit, no-return fruit, and Ararat fruit (refer to section 15.2). But this chapter explains 5 faculties of 100 laws, therefore, this section uses fifth faculty None-as Law to explain the Off-Be Fruit. Off-be fruits are forbidden fruits. Forbidden fruit does not mean that the fruit is poisonous and cannot be eaten; it means that this fruit cannot be fetched, because it has the same attribute as unconsciousness (God-sense), only matches to renunciation, not to fetch, not to aggregate, not to gather. If you fetch it, it fades, disappears, dies (as shown in Figure 11.6.4-35, the three prickly pears are the first three of the four shamanic fruits). How can you hold it? Path crux (refers to chapter 16) explains how to obtain and hold Off-be Fruit.

五位百法的前四位在本章前文已经讲过了。第一位心法(共8头)在11.4.5 Sense Node 识蕴讲了,包括8法。第二位心所法(共51头)在11.4.4.1 Heartland Laws 心所有法讲了。第三位色法(共11头)在11.4.1 Color Node 色蕴讲了,包括11法。第四位心不相应行法(共24头)在11.4.4.2 Non-Correlative Migration Laws 不相应行法讲了。本小节讲第5位无为法(共6头)。

The first four of “5 faculties of 100 laws” have already been discussed earlier in this chapter. The first faculty heart laws (8 items) were discussed in 11.4.5 Sense Node. The second faculty heartland laws (51 items) were talked about in Heartland Laws. The third faculty color laws (11 items) were spoken in 11.4.1 Color Node.  The fourth “non-correlative migration laws (24 items)” were explained in Non-Correlative Migration Laws. This section talks about the fifth faculty None-as Law, a total of 6 items.


The word "None" in None-as Law refers to "Non-objectively Have Sky” (see Illustration 11.6.4-2). Non-objectively Have Sky is pervasively constant turquoise, yellow, red, or white, absolutely free from afflictions, also being called nirvana, constant silence sky. There has long been a saying that " constant silence sky, all Buddhas rely on". Because that or greenish blue or yellow or red or white is unconscious’ (God-sense’s) constant, which is nameless, non-quantity, countless; therefore, it is also being called as true heart, wonderful delicate original heart, true self, empty after all, real empty. The word "None" in None-as Law means “empty after all” exactly; None-as Law means the law base on the “empty after all”. According to the degree of None-as Law and the different interpretations of it, None-as Laws are categorized into six types, namely (1) vague empty none-as law, (2) selective termination none-as law, (3) non-selective termination none-as law, (4) immovability none-as law, (5) “think and acceptation extinction” none-as law, (6) true suchness none-as law.


(1) vague empty none-as. Both ancient and modern psychology have discovered this kind of person who has such a personality or worldview, looking from vague to empty. To be at peace in ever-changing environments, to do nothing, to be open to everything, is “vague empty none-as”.  In addition, some people are good at research, love reading, observing flying flowers and falling leaves, and then realize Aggregate Arousal (refers to section 14.1) and juristic nature (that is above talked “empty after all”), and become Path Explorer Buddha. Because such people's enlightenment is superficial and hazy, not thorough, not systematic, so their enlightenments are also “vague empty none-as”.


(2) selective termination none-as, is saying that some Annoyance Hindrance and Know Hindrance (refer to Mutant Nature 异生性) are selectively eliminated. Such as in section 15.2, the first three shamanic fruits, all are this kind of achievement. And in chapter 16 Path Crux, achievements from first land to seventh lands, all belong to this category.


(3) non-selective termination none-as, no mental selection, depending on immaculateness of juristic nature, practitioner migrates on “Philosopher-Stone Nonintermittent Path” (section 16.7 and chapter 17 talk this practice), arrives to termination on both good and evil.  Ararat fruit in section 15.2, and achievements from eighth land to tenth land in chapter 16, belong to this kind of achievements.


(4) immovability none-as, after “Philosopher-Stone Nonintermittent Path”, or to realize those true-suchness repeatedly in Four Cruxes, practitioner arouses victorious behaviors in emptiness. When preconscious meets empty, it becomes still, therefore all annoyances or muddles can’t move, no discrimination; this state is called Immovability None-as, is achievement of eighth land bodhisattva (in chapter 16 Path Crux).


(5) “think and accept extinction” none-as, alias constant silence sky (i.e., illustration 11.6.4-2), consummate fact, non-dependent nirvana, empty after all, termination end stillness, etc. Depending on power of fourth meditation, to extinguish Think and Acceptation the two omnipresent heartland laws, heart dwells in Constant Silence Sky lucidly, immaculate, self-sufficient, is “think and acceptation extinction” none-as.


(6) true suchness non-as. As earlier said, “true views dependent places gain Off-be Fruit”; the said true views are the following seven types of true-suchness.


Cycling true suchness, is the said factuality of Have-as Law; refers to section 13.5 Vicious Cycle (Samsara). Annotation, Have-as Law is opposite to None-as Law. Among the 5 faculties of 100 laws, all the front 94 are Have-as Laws; the last 6 are None-as Laws.


Factuality true suchness (i.e., illustration 11.6.4-2), is manifestation of that human hasn’t I, and that Law hasn’t I. “I” means dictator, is Translocation Body View (i.e., Seth, refer to section “Human without I” means that humans are empty. “Law without I” means that the world hasn’t a dictator. “Empty after all” is consummate factuality.


(四)安立真如,谓苦谛实性。(参见 13 苦谛)

(五)邪行真如,谓集谛实性。(参见14 集谛)

Sense only true suchness is saying that contaminated laws and immaculate laws, both are senses only.

Establishment true suchness is factuality of Bitter Crux (refers to chapter 13).

Ferocious behavior true suchness is factuality of Aggregate Crux (refers to chapter 14).

(六)清净真如,谓灭谛实性。(参见15 灭谛)


Immaculate true suchness is factuality of Salvation Crux (refers to chapter 15).

Correct behavior true suchness is factuality of Path Crux (refers to chapter 16).

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