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送交者: aa881 2010年04月16日14:33:57 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

按:那个蠢人口口声声说接受了从小学到大学的美国式real教育。 看看他下面写的东西,难道美国的real教育,就是培养这样的人?就是培养写出这样的“英文”的人?这样的real教育值得中国人花钱去读?这简直不是教育,而是坑人的把戏了。海龟变成海带,还有什么奇怪!!! 如果有一个人拿着这样英语程度的简历去应聘工作, 自称是接受美国从小学到大学real教育的,这样的人,我看连清洁工工作都找不到。留学要慎重啊!

There are over 50 million Chinese peole choose to leave that country. You may among them as well even you show your love to China verbally in this Forum. 

There are over 200,000 young bright Chinese students attending school and obtain the real  and systematical education from the West. 

People knows what they want.  People knows what is right and what is wrong.  They are making a samrt decision for their own. Can you turn the trend? 

Only China's educated Jerks and Thugs keep yelling  that they are the best and people just laugh at them.

They can never tell one thing which is called substantial.

All of them have never attand a formal school in US but work up from a univeristy as a lab slave( PhD student, PostDoc).  

The foundamental is built in from a standard primary school to high school. You learn the culture, value and ethics.  Sicence and technbology is not a simple technology term but a Culture which China does not possess, 

If you get that kind education, you will not behave like you are doing  now in this Forum.  You speak differently and think differently.

You like it or not you and your friends will be replaced in the future by thosands and thosands young bright Chinese students who receive standard education from primary school to university in the Western society.  They are polite not rude.  They do not have that bid ego and can get along with other people. They are much more likable than your type (made in china with a few US cosmetics ).  If people call you Jerk, they do have their reasons.

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