酒后几个半句纪念中青年的毛泽东 |
送交者: 路过这儿 2010年12月26日11:51:35 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话 |
over bump, over hump
through weed, through thorn over ridge, over bridge, through wind, through wave he marched on, he marched on from Xiang to Kunlun from Kunlun to Huang He he marched on, he marched on with burns, with blisters through bullets, through blasts to save the land divided, plundered and trampled to save the people belittled, bullied and battered |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2009: | 鲁肖航:外甥的耶鲁之路 | |
2009: | 对《科学新闻》上两篇文章的一点意见-- | |
2008: | aa88: 谈“西方文化熏陶” | |
2008: | 批判精神和国家出路 | |
2007: | 国内学术萎靡之源头: 高校官本制 zz | |
2007: | 南开大学近千学生砸车抗议,和警察冲突 | |
2006: | 笑死我了,幸好没在中国拿博士 | |
2006: | 中国的学术、科技开发、创新问题的经验 | |
2005: | 我是怎样评上副教授的 | |