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送交者: 高翰文 2012年12月16日11:57:48 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話





12. I came here from the former Soviet Union (USSR) or Russia and right now I am US citizen. Why do I have to confirm the absence of Russian citizenship in order to get Russian visa?


If you are a citizen of Russia and receive US citizenship, it does not mean that you automatically lose your Russian citizenship, because, according to the Russian Law, no person can be deprived of his/her citizenship, but on his/her stated (i.e. put officially in order) will. Russian Law does not forbid you to have several citizenships, however, considers you only a Russian citizen and does not recognize dual citizenship, and therefore, requires you to travel in and out of Russia on your Russian passport. The Consulate General as federal organization enforces the Law of the State, so, every person, whose foreign passports or travel documents indicate his/her place of birth as “Russia” or “USSR”, or one of the states, which was a republic or a part of the former USSR, will be required to present a proof of absence of Russian citizenship.







14. I want to obtain or restore or give up Russian citizenship. What do I do?

Please, apply with our Passport and Legal Department of the Consulate (see our Passport and Legal page).









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