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Ten Common Errors in Relativit
送交者: c_y_lo 2014年04月27日14:09:10 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

Ten Common Errors in Relativity and the Unification between Gravitation and Electromagnetism

C. Y. Lo


There are ten common errors in Einstein's Relativity. They are related to the misinterpretation of E = mc2 as follows: 1) the electromagnetic energy is not equivalent to mass; 2) a photon has a gravitational component; 3) there is no dynamic solution for the Einstein equation;  4) to have a dynamic solution, the Einstein equation must be modified to the Lorentz-Levi- Einstein equation; 5) the Einstein equation do not have a two-body solution; 6) the unique sign for all the coupling constants is not valid in physics; 7) the singularity theorems of Hawking and Penrose are irrelevant to physics; 8) general relativity is incomplete because the absence of the radiation relation force; 9) the positive theorem of Schoen and Yau is misleading in physics; 10) the repulsive static charge-mass interaction was overlooked. However, Einstein's conjecture of unification between gravitation and electromagnetism is correct

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