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Israeli MPs apologize for comm
送交者: 洗香香 2014月08月14日23:49:29 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Doubts cast on organ harvest c洗香香 于 2014-08-14 23:47:25

According to the report of Israeli "Haaretz" on November 7, some Israeli MPs recently signed a petition, asking the United Nations to investigate the so-called "organ harvesting" event in China. After the Chinese Embassy inIsraelnegotiated with the Israeli side, some members admitted "I did not see the contents of the petition and signed my name", and they've formally apologized toChina. Israeli media commented that, in recent years, the trade betweenIsraelandChinahas been flourishing, and it was not wise to harm the trade withChinaover something unclear.

According toHaaretz,Israel"Channel 7"reported on October 29 that nine Members signed this petition, and asked the United Nations to investigate the Chinese government. Chinese diplomat inIsraelheld an urgent appointment with Israeli officials, asking them to make explanation over the issue. Israeli Foreign Ministry immediately reported to Oded Ben-Hur, the parliamentary political adviser, andReuven Rivlin, the speaker of parliament. After inquiries, the three members, Hasson, Hermesh and Ben-Simon, who signed the petition, said that they would reclaim the signatures. They explained that they "did not carefully read the petition"when they signed their names. It was some young people who asked them to sign their names, and they did not know what it exactly was.

Mr. Hasson wrote a letter of apology to the Chinese Embassy, he explained in the letter that the members of the parliament did not intend to hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, and that the incident was caused by misunderstanding, "I would like to formally apologize to the Chinese government and the Chinese people". Hermesh said to Haaretz, "I do not intend to go to war with one billion Chinese people, and I did not take it seriously when I signed my name."

It was reported that the remaining several members of parliament also wanted to sign the letter of apology by Hasson or write a letter of apology in person. Reuven Rivlin, the speaker of parliament, will read the letter of apology toChina, he stressed, the "petition Event" is personal conduct of some members, it has no relationship with the Parliament. David Rotem, chairman of "Israel-China Friendship League", also called the involved members to sign name on the letter of apology.

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