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On obsessive compulsive disorder
送交者: jingchen 2018年12月29日15:24:45 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話

On obsessive compulsive disorder

If someone is compulsively obsessive with skiing, he probably skis a lot and is very good at it. In general, if someone is compulsively obsessive, he will do very well in his life. 

Of course, there is a cost of doing a good job. If someone is compulsively obsessive, he probably will get tired very often for over exertion. There are some ways to reduce such stresses. One is to write down a list of what we want to do. Some can be finished today. Others can be finished in one week, one month, or one year. By writing down what we want to do, we may relieve much of the related anxiety. 

Overall, obsessive compulsive behaviors are probably more beneficial than harmful. If so, why obsessive compulsive behaviors are called obsessive compulsive disorder? There can be several reasons. One might be the desire of the medical system to increase the number of patients. 

For ordinary people, we are better off to treat obsessive compulsive behaviors not as a disorder, but as a talent that helps us succeed in life.

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