華歡笑:關於船型鞋---M.B.T 鞋 |
送交者: 華歡笑 2012年01月20日12:16:34 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話 |
冬兒寫了一篇博文“兩頭翹的鞋, 閃了我的腰”。我在跟貼里簡單說明了一下,這是MBT鞋。在這裡,ZT說明一下這種鞋。我注意了一下中文網站對這款鞋的介紹,包括治療,去除腰退痛呀,使身體苗條呀,健康挺拔呀……,基本上是一邊倒的報道傾向。接下來就是產品介紹,訂購電話,訂購網站。 在英文網站上,讀了一些對這款鞋的負面報道。個人認為,對這款鞋子的作用應該根據自己的實際需要。如果是為了治病的需要,首先應該諮詢一下醫生。 (ZT) MBT全稱Masai Barefoot Technology,意思是馬賽赤足科技。由瑞士工程師Karl Muller發明的。 在一次訪問韓國期間,他發現赤腳在稻田中行走減輕了他的背痛。返回瑞士後,Karl Muller着手開發一種赤足技術,為必須在堅硬地面行走的都市人,製造一種類似韓國稻田或東非熱帶草原柔軟地面的不平緩狀態,經過多年的潛心研究和開發,馬塞族赤腳科技終於在1996年投入市場。MBT瑞士鞋目前在20多個國家均有銷售,每年這一革命的產品銷量約為100萬雙。MBT希望幫助全世界的人擁有更健康,積極和快樂的生活。MBT相信,人類的健美和健康很大程度上受到行走方式的影響,這一觀點已經得到多項科學研究的證實。因此MBT嘗試透過傳播MBT健體鞋的觀點和概念,喚醒並加強人們對符合生理學的正確步行方式的認識,並以直接,簡單的方法,將符合生理學的正確步行方式的益處帶給大家。 轉發幾貼英文網站對這款鞋的評價: At 11:54 pm on March 7th, 2009 Ianto wrote: “a cynic might suggest the makers of MBT shoes are as interested in working your wallet as your legs” At 1:04 am on July 22nd, 2009 Dr2theHills wrote: I have read this story and at least 20 others referencing experts opinions.., not one noted expert has given his or her name to a journal and stated they stand by this shoe design…., NOT ONE!… That tells YOU that these shoes are not proven to improve posture, heel injuries faster, or reduce stress in lower limbs… Now, all you people that have purchased these or plan to…, I must tell you not only will you look a bit unappealing, but there is nothing you can say to justify these buckets on your feet. Its a short term everyone jump on board profit game. Remember the brand crocs….., those shoes were a croc of ……, there dead now and the company stock plummeted. You people must be lazy…., and ignorant to buy into some footwear like this. I have some land to sell you in the death valley… Get smart, get up, and set an example for your kids. Not one expert would put his or her name behind this…. At 8:16 pm on November 16th, 2009 Helen Collins wrote: Hi, I did have these recommended to me by my podiatrist, who says he does recommend them, but only for people who have the condition which I have, not for people who can walk without pain ordinarily. I have arthritis in my big toe and have had an operation to fuse the joint. These shoes enable me to walk without stressing my knee and in a pain free way, so for me they are life changing and amazing, and they look better than the ‘buckets’ I would have had as standard orthopaedic shoes. I am neither lazy nor ignorant.
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