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送交者: 秦关一 2022年08月18日13:53:20 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

Can We Develop Cure-All Vaccine for All Viral Pandemics?

Based on our antiviral theory, why a virus can infect its target cell is because the target cell’s gene expression pattern is suitable for the viral infection, thus any factors that can change gene expression patterns in viral target cells could be used to reduce susceptibility to all viral infections. Low-dose X-ray irradiation can change gene expression patterns in different cells, presuming that X-ray irradiated cells are resistant or immune to all viral infections. Besides, X-ray irradiation can cause epigenetic changes, which could be passed on few generations. Hopefully, one dose irradiation on upper respiratory tract area could protect people for few months, leading to the possibility that low-dose X-ray irradiation ('irradiation vaccine') could be cure-all vaccine for all viral pandemics.

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