On depression |
送交者: jingchen 2022年08月19日09:23:34 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话 |
On depression
When I finish a research work, or have done something difficult, I would feel very exhausted and depressed. I couldn’t work for a long time. I used to worry about it a lot. Later I realized it is the protective mechanism of our body at work. We need to rest and recover from our overwork. I become very relaxed when I am depressed. I will walk long hours and do some other physical works to distract my attention. Depression no more bothers me.
As I get older, depression kicks in more often and lasts longer. Nature is taking its course. An old man is not as energetic. I just rest longer for I need longer time to recover. I accept my limitation. I don’t push myself.
Depression is a natural and essential protective mechanism of our bodies. I don’t use drugs to “cure” a protective mechanism of my body. Some people argue that the researchers who develop those drugs know a lot more than I do. I should follow science instead of my own judgement.
Well, I work for my own interest. Those researchers work for their own interest and the interest of those who pay them. For the researchers and their bosses, their interest is to keep you addicted to their drugs. They have done a great job exerting their own interests.
When we are depressed, we feel helpless. We often yield to the temptation of the magic power of chemical pills. Countless people fall into the trap of easy cure and get addicted.
Life is hard. Depression is hard. We accept it as part of our life. We take various excursions to relax, to distract ourselves. Remember that your loved ones pray for your health and well-being.
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