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送交者: 胥钧屏001 2018年03月03日09:03:31 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话



5 most popular anti-aging creams that can make you look 10 years younger

Looking young and energetic can make us feel happier and more confident.

There is no doubt that healthy lifestyles, including a balanced diet and regular physical activity, are the key to achieve this goal.

However, anti-aging creams may make it easier. These creams can help you look younger by reducing, masking or preventing signs of skin aging, such as wrinkles and saggy skin.

Here we introduce 5 most popular anti-aging creams that don’t need a trip to the dermatologist or the cosmetic surgeon.

Anti-aging cream for face and eye areas

Anti-Aging Retinol Moisturizer Cream is best for anti-wrinkle effect in face and eye areas. It contains Retinol stimulates collagen and elastin production to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It uses natural and organic ingredients and can make your skin firmer, younger, and more radiant.

Anti-aging cream for neck area

Neck Frim Cream is specially designed for neck area. It is enriched with peptides, stem cells, collagen and elastin, and help tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the neck. It also contains vitamins E and C and hyaluronic acid to help restore firmness and elasticity; minimize the appearance of crepiness, and deeply hydrate skin.

Anti-aging cream for both face and neck

Pure Biology Anti-Aging Night Cream is the #1 best-selling product in facial night creams. It contains pure Retinol, hyaluronic acid and Fision™ Wrinkle Fix, and has been clinically shown to deliver the most potent wrinkle reduction benefits. It can help firm skins on face, neck and chest.

Anti-aging cream just for men

Brickell Men’s Revitalizing Anti-Aging Cream is designed just for men to significantly diminishes wrinkles, lines, crow’s feet, and other signs of aging. It contains natural and certified organic ingredients, and can absorbs quickly to firm, smooth, and tighten skin.

Anti-aging cream for everyone and all areas

BeeFriendly Night Cream can quickly reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging while you sleep. It contains natural and organic ingredients and a wealth of antioxidants to protect your skin against damage. It can be used on face, eye and neck areas for both men and women.

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