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Qquality of civilizition decides covid-19 death
送交者: 风潇潇 2021年05月03日04:48:55 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

It is the quality of civilizition in deciding the quality of a country controling the epidemic covid-19

Frank (Hongde Li);  May 3, 2021; in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 

China has quickly contained epidemic, however, in the West, the epidemic did not be contained but getting worser; explore the reason, actually, it is not virus in killing people, but the flawed civilization fooled people addicted in wrongful believes without sense for protection of infection and help virus kill people by rejecting the use of natural medicinals of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The complex complications with various fatal symptoms of coid-19 survivors showed that virus’ infection causes multi-lesions on human body. The multi-lesions need the treatment in multi-targeted medications of natural medicinals of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but the doctors in Western medicine treats patients by single chemical making deaths and sequelae.

Bellow is the cause for the radical difference in the quality of people and social governance between China and the West. While reveals that why does European-based civilization not belong to human beings of qualified higher animal.

The original geographic integrity without geographical barrier made China united dozens of ethnic groups together as one country from the time that can be called as nation since 2070 BC Xia Dynasty, though, once experienced times replacement in royal family, but, there were no long wars until 771 BC. With the enfeoffment system continues to be enfeoffed royal land as independent economy, the imperial power declines and loses control on more than 100 enfeoffed state into 550 years of wars.

221BC, China reunited as Qin Dynasty. The tragic life of 550 years of wars enlightened governance in Ministries, Provinces and Counties by celecting learned quality people as officials, burnt civil books and haned private schooling. In 134 BC Han Dynasty, Emperor issued an edict to solicit governing strategies to adopt suggestion: Dismiss all schools of thought and only respects Confucianism; while establishs Royal University - once reached 30 thousands people as teaching for reserve officials and Think Tank.

Since then, the Confucianism was taken as only moral guidance and strictly control other ideologies under the conduction of the successive government of China. This is the reason that today's Chian controls ideologies, which was from bloody lessons of 550 years endless wars between enfeoffment states from 771BC to 221BC. Because of the war addictors were often provoking wars by misleading ideology.

I call China based civilization as Collectivistic Civilization with a circle of Asian Values of Collectivisim. The Collectivistic Civilization cultured people in collectivistic quality and which is the foundation of Asian countries are the best players in epidemic covid-19 control. The high degree of self-discipline of people is the key to win victory over the virus.

Mar. 31, 2020, Reuters reports that in the storm of infection and death sweeping Italy, 50,000 ethnic Chinese who live in the town of Prato were zero infection. In Italy, the most of Chinese people wear masks when they go out since the pandemic started; also other reports said that Chinese people are no longer seen in the public entertainment venues since the start of the pandemic.

The collectivistic quality of people is the basis for China's high social productivity and promote rapid economic development.

1994, in the book <Asian values and the United States: how much conflict>, the author David Hitchcock introduced a survey on the societal values and which revealed the radical difference in the quality of people between China and the West.

Asian respondents are:

[1] orderly society; [2] societal harmony; [3] accountability of public officials; [4] open to new ideas; [5] freedom of expression; [6] respect for authority.

American respondents are:

[1] freedom of expression; [2] personal freedom; [3] rights of the individual; [4] open debate; [5] thinking for oneself; [6] accountability of public officials.

In Europe, the Ocean waters segmented land as many pieces to constitute many ethnic based nations with own cultural circle  The ethnic based nature made European nations in persistence of own respective interests and self-belief or nationalism, which caused various relatively independent ideologies without available of leading philosophy and leading moral guidance for settling the relationship between key social existences; while too many nations were unable to avoid wars.

The mess in the relationship between social existences caused the society ungovernable, due to the uncontrollable chaos in causing by the contradictions and conflicts between various social elements; such as, the bloody conflict between the religions and between different ethnic groups.

The free developed various absurd ideologies and the life threat to human survival from long wars of Dark Ages caused difficulties of life and the state of vigilance for self-protection to have promoted the formation of a European-based self-protective egoist civilization. I call such a civilization as Individualistic Civilization.

The individualistic quality of people of the West are in dooming own homeplace and without sense care for future. As you see, the liberal democracy actually is a casino of low quality people; this is reason of the democratic politicians only looking for attacking without human brain cells for thinking about human matter.

The absence of plunder and war is the minimum standard of human civilization. Japan was once most affected by the China based Collectivistic Civilization in pursuing and enjoying peace, but, after it was domesticated by the black ships of the United States, it also began to plunder and kill, and killed 30 million Asians by provoking world war II.


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