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Stay Beautiful (Taylor Swift)
送交者: beautiful life 2008年08月19日05:01:35 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话


Cory's eyes are like a jungle
He smiles, it's like the radio
He whispers songs into my window
In words nobody knows
There's pretty girls on every corner
That watch him as he's walking home
Saying, does he know
Will you ever know


You're beautiful
Every little piece love, and don't you know
You're really gonna be someone, ask anyone
and When you find everything you looked for
I hope your life leads you back to my door
Oh but if it don't, stay beautiful

Cory finds another way to be
The highlight of my day
I'm taking pictures in my mind
So I can save them for a rainy day
It's hard to make conversation
When he's taking my breath away
I should say, hey by the way

[Repeat Chorus]

you and I are a story
That never gets told
what you are is a daydream
I'll never get to hold, at least you'll know

[Repeat Chorus]

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