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华欢笑:关于船型鞋---M.B.T 鞋
送交者: 华欢笑 2012年01月20日12:16:34 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

冬儿写了一篇博文“两头翘的鞋, 闪了我的腰”。我在跟贴里简单说明了一下,这是MBT鞋。在这里,ZT说明一下这种鞋。我注意了一下中文网站对这款鞋的介绍,包括治疗,去除腰退痛呀,使身体苗条呀,健康挺拔呀……,基本上是一边倒的报道倾向。接下来就是产品介绍,订购电话,订购网站。 在英文网站上,读了一些对这款鞋的负面报道。个人认为,对这款鞋子的作用应该根据自己的实际需要。如果是为了治病的需要,首先应该咨询一下医生。

ZT MBT全称Masai Barefoot Technology,意思是马赛赤足科技。由瑞士工程师Karl Muller发明的。 在一次访问韩国期间,他发现赤脚在稻田中行走减轻了他的背痛。返回瑞士后,Karl Muller着手开发一种赤足技术,为必须在坚硬地面行走的都市人,制造一种类似韩国稻田或东非热带草原柔软地面的不平缓状态,经过多年的潜心研究和开发,马塞族赤脚科技终于在1996年投入市场。MBT瑞士鞋目前在20多个国家均有销售,每年这一革命的产品销量约为100万双。MBT希望帮助全世界的人拥有更健康,积极和快乐的生活。MBT相信,人类的健美和健康很大程度上受到行走方式的影响,这一观点已经得到多项科学研究的证实。因此MBT尝试透过传播MBT健体鞋的观点和概念,唤醒并加强人们对符合生理学的正确步行方式的认识,并以直接,简单的方法,将符合生理学的正确步行方式的益处带给大家。


At 11:54 pm on March 7th, 2009 Ianto wrote:

“a cynic might suggest the makers of MBT shoes are as interested in working your wallet as your legs”
You’ve got it !!!

At 1:04 am on July 22nd, 2009 Dr2theHills wrote:

I have read this story and at least 20 others referencing experts opinions.., not one noted expert has given his or her name to a journal and stated they stand by this shoe design…., NOT ONE!…

That tells YOU that these shoes are not proven to improve posture, heel injuries faster, or reduce stress in lower limbs…

Now, all you people that have purchased these or plan to…, I must tell you not only will you look a bit unappealing, but there is nothing you can say to justify these buckets on your feet.

Its a short term everyone jump on board profit game. Remember the brand crocs….., those shoes were a croc of ……, there dead now and the company stock plummeted.

You people must be lazy…., and ignorant to buy into some footwear like this.

I have some land to sell you in the death valley…

Get smart, get up, and set an example for your kids.

Not one expert would put his or her name behind this….


At 8:16 pm on November 16th, 2009 Helen Collins wrote:


I did have these recommended to me by my podiatrist, who says he does recommend them, but only for people who have the condition which I have, not for people who can walk without pain ordinarily. I have arthritis in my big toe and have had an operation to fuse the joint. These shoes enable me to walk without stressing my knee and in a pain free way, so for me they are life changing and amazing, and they look better than the ‘buckets’ I would have had as standard orthopaedic shoes. I am neither lazy nor ignorant.

However, for anyone not in this or a similar situation, I would say spend half the money on a really good pair of shoes, walk in them a lot and stand up straight – don’t waste your money, there are no quick fixes to fitness.


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