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July 29, Cypress Falls Park
送交者: 雪山下的绛珠草 2012年07月30日13:46:00 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

July 21 and July 28 要上学, 所以没有时间爬山.

July 29, hiked from the Cypress Falls Park parking lot all the way up via Trans Canada Trail to Cypress Mountain Ski Resort parking lot & return by different route.

Time needed:   6 to 7 hours
Rating:   Moderate

Driving direction:   If you are using Highway # 1, head westbound. Take Exit # 4 to Woodgreen Drive/Caufield Drive. At the stop sign, turn right onto Woodgreen Drive & continue along the road as it bends to the left & heads up a hill. Turn right at the third street on your right called Woodgreen Place. The gravel driveway at the end of the street will lead to the parking lot and trailhead which is our meeting place.

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2011: Deleted
2011: 罗一鸣:酸辣黄瓜
2010: 此时无声胜有声
2010: 以前是药罐子,现在大家叫我「永备电池
2009: 女人都是顺毛驴 (荒唐之论,女人莫入)
2008: 解除亚健康的18个小窍门
2008: 香菇包菜