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范儿26——Dr.John Pariag:恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力
送交者: 藤儿 2012年11月02日09:32:37 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

藤儿点评:在Dr.John Pariag的潜意识中,可能已经无法找到他自己为了成为一名救死扶伤的白衣天使时,曾经作出的庄严宣誓——希波克拉底誓言。Dr.John Pariag给病人及其家人造成的巨大痛苦和伤害,让古代希腊北边马其顿王国的御医欧洲医学奠基人——希波克拉底,也无颜再见江东父老。






我要遵守誓约,矢忠不渝。对传授我医术的老师,我要像父母一样敬重,并作为终身的职业。 对我的儿子、老师的儿子以及我的门徒,我要悉心传授医学知识。我要竭尽全力,采取我认为有利于病人的医疗措施,不能给病人带来痛苦与危害。我不把毒药给任何人,也决不授意别人使用它。我要清清白白地行医和生活。无论进入谁家,只是为了治病,不为所欲为,不接受贿赂,不勾引异性。对看到或听到不应外传的私生活,我决不泄露。如果我能严格遵守上面誓言时,请求神祇让我的生命与医术得到无上光荣;如果我违背誓言,天地鬼神一起将我雷击致死。”



加医生失误内幕大曝光 舆论哗然

2012-10-31 | 新闻来源: 星岛日报




安省内外科医生协会纪律委员会之前裁定,造成至少22宗医疗事故的外科医生John Pariag,今后不得为病人进行重要手术,及为人看病之前,须要求病人签下免责同意书;之前委员会拒绝披露Pariag的医疗事故详细资料,但经《星 报》再三要求之后,委员会终肯披露由威廉丝医生(Tina Williams)撰写的调查报告内容。

报告指,于2008年,Pariag替一名12岁女童看病,他错看X光片,误判她患上胃溃疡,而报告指,很少人这么年轻就患上胃溃疡,之后Pariag 女童开刀,但找不到病因,其后Pariag再替她开刀,割去她的盲肠,但手术期间没有给她注射足够抗生素,导致伤口出现脓疮,女童出院后,因发烧要送往急 症室治疗,再进行手术,以抽去脓疮。




Incompetent surgeon must inform patients of his misconduct

  • By Marco Chown Oved
  • Tue Oct 30 2012 08:41:00


·        An incompetent Mississauga surgeon, who has admitted to professional misconduct and been prevented from operating, will have to make patients sign a written waiver acknowledging his past transgressions if he is to continue seeing patients at all.

·        The discipline committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario read the preliminary ruling Monday, but may still alter it in a final decision expected within two weeks.

·        Dr. John K. Pariag admitted to 22 cases of professional misconduct and incompetence earlier this year including unnecessarily removing healthy appendixes three times, removing a thyroid even though he had not been trained to do so and botching a bowel operation that led to a patient’s death.

·        The additional condition imposed on Pariag is embarrassing and serves no purpose, his lawyer Paul Millican said.

·        Pariag had already accepted a plea bargain that would allow him to continue receiving patients, though he is not allowed to perform any major surgery or work in a hospital, except as a surgical assistant.

·        Unlike in criminal court, a plea bargain made with the College, which supervises all doctors in Ontario, isn’t binding. The discipline committee may add or take away from the agreed-upon penalty, Millican said.

·        Dr. Pamela Chart, who chaired the five-person decision panel, said that in addition to his surgery restrictions, Pariag should have to inform all patients at the Mississauga Walk-In Clinic where he works of the limitations on his practice in writing.

·        Patients would have to sign the form before being seen by the doctor and this form would have to be kept permanently with the patient’s medical chart, she said.

·        “This is not the first time the committee has ordered a doctor to notify patients of their practice restrictions,” said College spokesperson Kathryn Clarke.

·        All restrictions on Ontario doctors are posted on the College’s website.

·        Pariag’s lawyer said making patients sign a form detailing what he is not allowed to do would force Pariag out of work because his clinic would not allow it.

·        “Dr Pariag has good skills and good judgment in spite of the mistakes he’s made,” Millican said.

·        The College has kept secret the full details of Pariag’s misconduct, despite repeated requests by the Star.

·        Millican complained that disclosure would “be prejudicial to Dr. Pariag and without benefit.”

·        Regardless of his admission of guilt, it is unclear where and when the 22 cases of misconduct occurred.

·        Pariag received his medical degree in 1978 from the University of the West Indies in Trinidad. In the 1990s, he trained as a general surgeon in Jamaica.

·        He worked as a surgical assistant in Newfoundland in 2003 and 2004 before receiving additional surgical training at the University of Western Ontario from 2004 to 2006.

·        Later, he was posted at Temiskaming Hospital in New Liskeard, Ont., where his professional misconduct first came to light. His privileges there were suspended in April 2009 and he has not performed major surgery since.

·        Pariag was also ordered to pay $3,650 to reimburse the College for the cost of the proceeding against him.

·        Toronto Star


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