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Selecting Obama is a GOP trap
送交者: turuturu 2008月08月31日23:28:39 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話
回  答: qhr: Obama一個光說不練的美國式垃圾人物qhr 於 2008-08-29 17:47:37
Many w folks joined the primary vote to support Ob, though they were not entitled to vote but no one stop them, since they know Hillary is way too hard to defeat. By using the Obama's naiveness in actual new policy process for changes needed in USA, who is only the expert of nothing, but quacking speeches, McKan can easily defeat him in November. This could be the sad truth of the election of 2008. God bless America, we need a president who has vision for the majority people but not the small group of rich folks, such as gaselin tycoons and weapon dealers.
  哈哈,是兩黨合謀才對 /無內容 - TNNDQ 09/01/08 (280)
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