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Even Ur Basic Assumoption Is Wrong!
送交者: BestWishes 2008月06月27日20:27:19 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 秦河: 评张戎的《毛,不为人知的故事》秦河 于 2008-06-26 18:45:45
In you heart, you regard Mao as a V.I.P.(大人物),so, basically you are wrong. I don't think Mao is a VIP, many people don't think Mao is a VIP either.

Sometimes I compare Mao with a most ordinary man who works from morning until evening; who obeys socal practices abides by law; who treats other people kindly and honestly, who has no ambition to gain anything; who doesn't use conspiracy or scheme to fight for any higher position; who marries a wife and raises a couple of children and etc. This kind of person seems ordinary but I think this common person is much admirable then Mao.

Mao is a man full of sins and crimes in his life. In Mao's mind, there is full of "Class Struggle", in other words, he thinks to beat down others all the time. Mao, all the time thinks how to seize a higher position in party or how to be the leader of everybody. Mao always thinks he is right, the other is wrong. He has the hegemonious attitude to instill his idea to others; he wants others to serve him subservantly and never think to co-work with others mildly."

In personal morality or characters, Mao is cheap and dirty! Mao talks to a man like a hero with head high, voice loud, fingers pointing here and there, but when he talks to a woman, especially a beautiful woman, he is mild and tame like a lamb or rabbit! That is Mao's personal characters.

An unrecorded statistics states that Mao has sex exchanges with more than a dozen women, that is not even including his wifes! Mao does not care about children, He discarded his biological children like throwing away a piece of banana skin!
To Compare Mao's personal characters with the other historical figures, I think Mao is far from matching with Wang Jing-wei,Sun Zhong-san and Jiang Kai-sek!

So,If you regard Mao as a great man, you are dead wrong.
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